Master of Time, Space and Graphics, Theo (I don’t know Theo’s last name but it’s probably one of those twisty South African names) . . . Theo has created three possible new headers for the Set Fee Blog. I’m excited to finally be moving out of last decade’s design and into the new Help-U-Sell image. Trouble is: I like all three so much I don’t know which to pick! So, I’m asking for your help: Please vote for one of the following:
Candidate 1:
Candidate 2:
Candidate 3:
I will tabulate the vote and announce the winner on Monday, Sept. 19 by applying it to the page design.
Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Great State of New Jersey – also know as the Garden State – where the beaches are white, the seasons are your friend and there are too damn many Realtors but not enough Help-U-Sell brokers, I cast my ballot for Candidate number 2.
I vote for Candidate #1.
So as to not upset my New Jersey friend and his “friends” I cast a vote for #2, as well.