What’s Most Important When Buying A Home (Selling One, Too)

It pains me to admit it . . . it’s such a tired old cliche . . . but it’s true:  Location, Location , Location.  

The way we interpret that has been a little askew – the notion that there are right locations and wrong locations, good locations and bad locations – but your location, and more important, your understanding of the strengths of your location, are key.

No, there are no right and wrong locations.  Almost every location is ideal for someone.

Young families often want a location near a particular school.

Working people often target a neighborhood based on commute.

Urban hipsters want to enjoy the nightlife of the ‘hood on foot.

Families on tight budgets often want affordability and seek areas where that’s possible.

When you begin to look for your dream home, start with lifestyle:  what is yours?  How do you like to spend your everydays?  What are the activities that drive your life?  What’s important in keeping you and your family moving forward?  Get a picture of the kind of neighborhood that will support that . . . and then look for it.

Fill in a few blanks:

I want to be able to ________________.

I really like to ___________________.

It’s important that we ________________.

We are usually very clear about how far:  how far away from X and Y we are willing to live.  So take your local map, plot X and Y and then draw that meandering circle that sets the limit of that distance.  That line will become the boundary of your ballpark, the large area inside which you will look for your lifestyle.

Don’t worry about what anybody else thinks.  It’s your lifestyle, not theirs.  The exception is your REALTOR. who should be on board with your process and can point out pluses and minuses you may have missed.

Not until you have identified the locations where you can be happy living can you get down to how many bedrooms and baths, house vs. condo, ranch  or split-level.  Those things don’t matter until you have found your location.

When considering a location, do a little field reconnaissance before adding it to the acceptable list.  Go to the local supermarket during a busy time – often 5-ish in the afternoon – and shop.  These are the people who will be your neighbors:  what do you think?  Get up early and go hang out in a coffee shop or get a guest pass to the gym.  Drive the neighborhood – or drive your commute to and from the neighborhood – during rush hour.  Pay attention to the children (they are wonderful barometers):  do they seem generally happy?  Or are they more on the angry and spaced-out side?

If you are selling, do the same kind of exercise.  Discover (or re-discover) what kind of people live in your neighborhood.  What is the lifestyle?  The average age?  What do your neighbors like to do?  You probably think you already know this, but if you’ve been in your home for awhile, you may be surprised at how things have changed when you weren’t paying attention!

Do this as a seller to get a picture of your target.  What kind(s) of people are most likely wanting to live in your neighborhood?  Once you have that in mind, how would you go about reaching them?  It’s one of the topics of conversation in every good listing consultation.  You probably ought to hear your agent say something like:

The most likely buyer for your home will probably be a family with school aged kids wanting to be close to Emerson Elementary.  I’m going to market to those people specifically by doing X, Y, and Z.

Location – yours and the one you want to have – is real estate bedrock.  It is location that will enable you to love your home or not like it so much.  When you begin to look, or prepare to sell, spend a little time getting very clear on location.  Then get moving!

Flashback Friday: No More Begging!

(Here’s a post from November, 2009 that’s still very relevant.  The point is:  since there is not one iota of difference in the consumer experiences at  Coldwell Banker, Century 21, Keller-Willams, Re/Max, and every other ordinary real estate company, since they are all selling exactly the same thing, their ‘pitch’ ends up being smoke, mirrors and begging.  You have to have something different that works before your ‘pitch’ can be educational, meaningful and powerful. )

It dawned on me 20 years ago when I was working as a Business Consultant for one of the other large national real estate franchises:  In the ordinary real estate world, we were all beggars.

Agents made listing presentations where they begged sellers to work with them.  Then they begged them to reduce the price and relist.  They begged their buyers to be loyal.

Brokers begged agents to come work in their offices.  They begged them not to leave, too.

The Franchises begged (really:  begged) people to join them.  Then they begged them to use the tools, begged them to do the thngs that would help them succeed and begged them to renew at the end of their term.

It was all very degrading, all this begging.

In a universe where everyone is on their own and everyone has the same set of tools, where all the players are just alike — making a convincing argument for your service becomes sophisticated begging.  It’s no longer a matter of educating the customer about the benefits your particular way of doing business can bring to bear on their situation.  It’s about having enough flair to make the ordinary seem special, enough personality to be convincing when you say, ‘Trust me.’


When I came to Help-U-Sell, I noticed something different.  I saw agents and brokers who had more then their personalities to distinguish them from the pack.  They had systems that worked.  They had a specific way of marketing a listing that got it sold.  They had a unique way of starting a new agent in the business that made them productive.  They had a carefully structured method of working with buyers that not only resulted in loyalty, but also produced such customer satisfaction that testimonials were a cinch.   Everyone — brokers, agents, even the franchisor — was coming from a position of strength because they were backed by a unique business model that worked.

The Help-U-Sell Listing Consultation is not about trying to convince the seller that you’re the best.  It’s about showing the seller enough of your program that they want it, and then deciding if this is a listing you want to take, a seller you can work with.

We don’t chase buyers.  We capture them with a carefully constructed intake system (the Buyer Data Sheet), and then do a consultation that ends in a loyalty commitment.

When we recruit (and we only do this when our program has created more business than we can handle with current staff), we don’t try to convince every agent who walks through the door to join us.  We look for the few who recognize the value of being able to focus on a single, managable aspect of the business.  Then we put them through Science 2 Sales training and hold them to a reasonable production standard.

It’s all about having systems that produce results.  That’s what puts you in a position of strength so that you don’t have to beg for business.

Why You Need A Blog (And How To Get One)

Yes You Do and Yes You Can.

Stop with all of that ‘I can’t – I don’t – I won’t’ stuff and read on.

Our real estate marketplace is largely electronic.  Today, real estate businesses and careers are made online.

That’s where the buyers are and that’s where the sellers expect to be.

You know this and have done a pretty good job of getting more than your big toe into that ocean.  You have an optimized website, a social media presence, a syndication arrangement that broadcasts your listings all over the place, and more.

But, so does everyone else who is serious about the business.

When everyone has the same tools, when everyone is doing the same thing online, the key is TO BE FOUND:  traffic.

How do you ‘Get Found’ in this vast Internet Ocean?  How do you build traffic to your business? 

There are many ways, but . . .

Not too long ago, HubSpot analyzed the website traffic of 1,400 companies.  They split them into two groups:  those with blogs (938) and those without (462).  The blogging group generated 67% MORE LEADS than the non-blogging group.

How can this be?  Why would a blog be better at generating web traffic and leads than almost anything else?  Here are 3 reasons:

  1. A good real estate blog is a constant source of local market information – and therefore, local market search terms used by local real estate consumers every day in their searches.  
  2. Unlike your well optimized website, the content of your blog is dynamic:  it changes every week, becomes bigger, gets indexed over and over as it grows.  
  3. A blog is immediate:  it is a near instant commentary on events and conditions in the local market, and is therefore very attractive to search engines.  

I believe that getting found today by buyers and sellers is a function of 3 things:

Inventory – And of course, Help-U-Sell has a competitive advantage in this area, a superior offer for home sellers.

Saturation –  A mechanism for getting information about your inventory out to as many Internet outlets as possible, which Help-U-Sell brokers have by virtue of their own websites and the syndication that occurs automatically as they add their inventory.

Blogging – Which is a search engine magnet.   They will find you with your blog.  Your blog will drive them to your website.

A few Help-U-Sell Brokers have taken on the blogging challenge, some with excellent results.  Most have not, because:

  • It’s an organizational hassle:  getting set up, learning how to do it, buying hosting and domain names and templates takes time and energy and is often a foray into unknown territory.
  • It’s a rather large time commitment:  You have to be prepared to sit down and write well and intelligently on a regular basis.  It’s not something you do just once or twice and forget.
  • It requires writing skill:  Even for many people who write well, writing is not easy.  It takes so many mental skills, not the least of which is concentration – something that is very difficult to maintain when you have 30 listings and 14 pending sales.  

I’ve been Help-U-Sell Blogging for almost 5 years (and have no plans to stop anytime soon).  It’s something that is very easy for me.  I have always invited Help-U-Sell brokers to borrow from this blog, make the pieces their own and use them however they see fit.  Now I’m prepared to go one step further.

Very shortly I’ll present a program where I will:

  • Set up you blog:   create and customize your template, research and buy your domain name, and set up hosting for you blog.
  • Ghost-Write your blog:  Actually post unique localized content to your blog on a regular and recurring basis.
  • Monitor you blog:  track page views, unique visitors, popular posts and search phrases and make appropriate adjustments.
  • Teach you about your blog:  How to post, how to respond to comments, how to monitor, so you can become as involved as you choose to be.  

Some of you may use this as a first step to blogging on your own – kind of blogging training-wheels.   Others may see this as a turn-key solution, a way to have a blog without having the hassle.  Either way, you’ll be steps ahead in GETTING FOUND, in building traffic and creating leads.

Stay tuned for details . . . and if you’re anxious to get started quickly, get in touch: jamesdingman@gmail.com


The Mission

A friend of mine recently had a bit of bad luck with his car:  he wrecked it.  He’s been running around in a rental while his vehicle is being repaired and today we stopped by the body shop to see how work was progressing.

The experience was so different from what I expected that I wondered if perhaps I’d stepped through some kind of rift in the space-time continuum:  an auto body shop worm hole!

The shop was immaculately clean.  The people – all of the people – were neat, clean, and smiling.  We were immediately greeted and then treated like royalty.  I waited in the office, in a comfortable chair.  I was offered coffee and then water.  I started noticing the graphics on the walls.  Their Mission  statement was prominently displayed and I was immediately struck with how honest, how real it was.

“Our Mission is to restore the rhythm of our customers’ lives.”  Simple, straightforward, intriguing.

I actually pay attention to Mission statements and often find that they are pure garbage, cooked up by some disconnected marketing person and saying absolutely nothing.  This one, though?  I saw evidence of it’s honesty all around me.

I am so impressed that I want all Help-U-Sell family members to take a look at a short video that describes the Mission.  It is from their website:

So now you know:  it’s Calibre Collision Center.  They are located in several Southwestern States and based on what I saw today, I can’t imagine taking a crumpled car anywhere else to be fixed.

Our Mission, our identity is very similar to theirs.  We’re all about the consumer experience – it’s one of the ways we are so different from our competitors – and that’s not just marketing babble.  It’s for real.  We get a huge charge out of saving our customers money!  Out of charging them LESS than everyone else does!  When we do it right, we find that they become our biggest promoters!

Go ahead, watch the video again or visit the website.  Take a little inspiration from someone doing it very well.

How to Pay Your Real Estate Agent

If you ask, you’ll probably be told you have to pay your agent some percentage of the sales price:  5%, 6%, 7%.  You’ll get that news as if it is law, set by some regulatory agency or trade union, when in truth:  real estate commissions are completely negotiable between the consumer and the office broker.  You can pay whatever you and the broker agree upon.  So what should you pay?  Let’s get to that answer by doing a little ground work first.

In the ordinary real estate world, when you agree to pay that percentage based commission (remember?  5%, 6%, 7%, whatever), you’re actually agreeing to pay not one, but four commissions.  It’s generally accepted in the ordinary real estate world that most sales will involve two brokers, one representing the seller in the transaction, and another one who comes in with the buyer.  This is so common that ordinary brokers plan for it:  they charge you a lofty lump sum percentage so that there is enough commission to pay that outside broker in the event that’s how the sale is made.  Typically, commissions are shared equally between the Seller’s broker and the Buyer’s broker . . . so that’s two commissions right there.

But we’re talking about Brokers, here.  You’ve probably been hearing from Agents, not Brokers, right?  An Agent is the Broker’s representative in the field.  He or she works for the Broker, follows the Broker’s instructions, is supervised by the Broker.  It’s rare (in the ordinary real estate world) that the consumer ever meets the Broker.  He or she is almost always dealing with an Agent who represents the Broker.  So we now have to plan for an Agent on the side representing the Seller and one on the side representing the Buyer:  two more commissions.  And 2 + 2 = 4.

Ordinary Brokers bundle this whole mess up into one big lump: their real estate sales commission, and when you agree to list your home with an ordinary Broker, you are agreeing to pay all four commissions whether there is an outside Broker and Agent involved or not.

That’s not as awful as it sounds.  Ordinary Agents and Brokers today have been conditioned to ‘throw a sign in the yard, put it in the MLS and wait for someone else to sell it.’   As a result, most real estate transactions usually do involve four separate sales entities that need to be paid.  But 15% – 25% of transactions don’t.  And ordinary real estate usually makes no special allowance for these other kinds of transactions.  What are they?

  • A Buyer could see the for sale sign or find your home in some other piece of marketing, call the listing office and ask to see it and eventually, buy it.  No outside Agent involved, no outside Broker involved.  But you’ll be paying those two extra commissions anyway, because that’s what you agreed to at the time of listing.   
  • A neighbor who saw the sign go up excitedly tells you about her brother who has wanted to live in the neighborhood for ages.  You invite the brother over, he loves the house and buys it.  No outside Agent, no outside Broker . . . but you still pay full fare.
  • You could go to the office and meet the new guy transferring in from out of town and, coincidentally, looking for a home just like yours!  You invite his family over and, of course, they buy the house.  No outside Agent or Broker, in fact YOU found the buyer . . . but what will you pay?  Full fare.  Its’ just the way things are. 

It doesn’t have to be that way.

When you interview your agent (remember:  you’re going to negotiate your commission . . . because you can),  insist that they un-bundle the commission.  Agree to pay the listing Broker no matter what:  he or she will have real expenses in marketing and will represent you to close of escrow.  And if you’re talking with an ordinary Broker, you ‘ll probably also have to agree to compensate his or her Agent as well.  After all, that’s who you’ll be dealing with (unless you are talking with an extraordinary Broker who will eliminate the middle-man and represent you himself).

Then, agree to pay the other two parts of the commission only if an outside Broker and Agent are involved.  Allow for the possibility that you may find the buyer yourself.  Allow for the possibility that an outside Broker/Agent working the MLS will not come in with a buyer.  In fact, if you are in one of the hot markets where inventory is at a premium today, maybe you should instruct your agent NOT to put you in the MLS for a few weeks, NOT to offer to pay an outside Broker/Agent for awhile, to give the market time to sell it without having to pay that extra commission.

I know:  this is sounding like a very complex negotiation.  How are you going to pull it off without shooting yourself in the foot?  I don’t think you’ll meet with much cooperation from your ordinary Agent.  You’re proposing taking a big bite out of the industry’s cash flow!

But you know what?  You don’t have to navigate this negotiation at all.  Help-U-Sell has been working that way for 37+ years.  We let you choose whether  or not you even want to offer you home for sale through outside Brokers.  We let you choose whether or not you want to participate in the marketing, whether or not you want to try to find your own buyer.  And when the sale is made and closed, you will pay based not on some arbitrary percentage you agreed to at the time of listing, but on how the home actually sells.  If no outside Broker is involved, you won’t pay one.  If you find your own buyer, you’ll pay even less.

Ready to start making sense out of your real estate transaction?  Go HERE to find a Help-U-Sell office near you.

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