Ordinary Test Explanation

It struck me that providing a rationale for each of the ten questions in the previous post would make sense.  I mean:  Ordinary brokers and agents may not even understand the significance of the questions much less why they might be an indicator of ordinariness.  So, here is the background for each question (If you haven’t read the original post, it would make sense to do so before continuing):

1.  Do you charge home sellers a percentage based commission? I’m sure you’re doing it because you’ve never questioned whether it made any sense or not. I assure you it does not.  If you need convincing, start HERE.

There is no relation between the time, money and effort it takes to sell a home and a percentage of the sale price as sales commission.  It’s a complete disconnect that nobody in the industry can explain logically. Rather than pound away at it again, if you need to learn why that approach is so off-track, just follow the link (‘HERE’) above.

2.  Do your sellers pay the full percentage based commission specified in the listing agreement even if there is no outside selling broker or agent to pay?

One of the organizing principals of the real estate business is that people need representation.  Buyers need a knowledgeable expert to look out for their interests in a transactions just as sellers do.  So the real estate sales commission – usually, but not always paid by the seller – is designed to be split between the broker representing the seller and the broker representing the buyer.  Since most brokers hire agents to represent them, those agents also have to be compensated.  So that big percentage based sales commission is actually designed to compensate four people:  the listing broker, listing agent, selling broker and selling agent.  Fine.  Let’s do an example:  

Mary has a $350,000 house and lists it with Acme Realty,* agreeing to pay a 6%* sales commission when it sells.  That’s $18,000!  For simplicity’s sake, let’s assume that all splitting of commissions in this example will be done on a 50/50 basis:  the two offices will split the commission 50/50 and they each will split their portion 50/50 with their respective agents . . . which is rather laughable, because it happens so rarely today.  In today’s real estate universe, most agents are getting 65% -70% of their office’s portion of the commission, sometimes even more.  But back to the example.  We break down Mary’s $18,000 commission as follows:

$4,500 for the Listing Office

$4,500 for the Listing Agent

$4,500 for the Selling Office

$4,500 for the Selling Agent

Now, what happens if the Listing Agent finds the buyer?  We’re not having to pay a Selling Office or Selling Agent, right?  Does Mary get to keep the $9,000 that was designated for them?  

Ok, ok, I know:  the Listing Agent is doing two jobs here, that of the Listing Agent and that of the Selling Agent, so they should get paid twice, right?  And what about the Listing Office?  They had marketing expenses on the Listing Side and have to pay for all kinds of systems to enable agents in the office to find and work with buyers, so they should be compensated twice, too, right?  I won’t split that hair. Having been in the Ordinary business for years I will admit that there is a little more effort for a listing agent who finds his or her own buyer and a little more strain on office resources . . . . but it’s a little more, not $9,000 more.  The in-house sale is a windfall for agents and brokers at the expense of home sellers, so much so that in the biz we call it ‘Double-Dipping.’  

3.  Do you allow your sellers to actively seek their own buyer if they choose?  And if they are successful, do they pay less?

We are connected people.  You have friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances.   And there is a chance that any one of those people – or someone they know – may be the best buyer for your house.   But when you list with Acme, are you encouraged to spread the word to your personal network?  And if you do and are successful in finding your own buyer – not only eliminating the Selling Broker and Selling Agent, but also eliminating the marketing function from Listing Brokers list of duties –  is there a corresponding reduction in the sales commission you pay?  Wouldn’t it make sense if there was?  I’m just sayin’ . . . 

4.  Does your office management team spend the bulk of its time recruiting new agents and training unsuccessful agents?

This is symptomatic of a real estate office and broker with the accent on the wrong syllable.  They are in the recruiting business, not the real estate business.   This is a broker who believes hiring agents is the key to profitability . . . and almost any agent will do.

Listen:  most people who get a real estate license and join an office don’t make it.  Most are gone in a couple of years.  But everyone who gets a license has friends, family and neighbors who might do business with them before they crash and burn and leave the business.  The Ordinary broker builds his or her business on this principal, using the personal relationships of recruited agents to expand the office’s reach to consumers.  

The extraordinary broker, on the other hand, uses carefully orchestrated marketing and finely tuned office systems to expand his or her business and enhance profitability.  Agents are very important, but they are there to help the broker take care of the business the broker has created, not to create business for the broker (although, that naturally happens).  

Can you see the difference?  The Ordinary broker, running a body shop, really doesn’t care whether the new recruit becomes an outstanding agent or not.  Oh, they’d like everyone to be successful and make them a ton of money, but they know that’s not going to happen.  What’s really important is that they get 5 or 6 deals out of those failing recruits before they move on.  

On the other hand, the extraordinary broker’s business lives and dies based on how well his agents take care of the buyers and sellers the he has worked so hard to secure.  There is no room for non-producers, for those who lose leads and fumble repeatedly.  Bumping along at 6 deals a year is unacceptable. 

5.  Does your office incentivize agents to help in recruiting?

All this means is that the number one priority in the office is to add more agents.  See the explanation in #2 above – it is the same. 

6.  Are agents in your office responsible for doing their own marketing and generating their own leads?

In the ’70s and ’80s, when brokers took the accent off marketing and lead generation and put it on recruiting they found the only real tool they had to attract agents was commission split.  This made sense then as it does now:  when everyone has the same operating system and the same tools, all that’s left to distinguish one company from another is commission split and personality.  From that time forward, agent commission splits have risen and risen to ridiculous levels.  Even non-productive agents are often paid stratospheric splits.  With more of each commission dollar going to the agents, brokers had less to spend on marketing.  Most simply quit marketing homes – that became the responsibility of the agents.  Instead, many brokers shifted their own marketing efforts to recruiting and retention programs.  They were marketing to attract new agents and to cause the ones they already had to stick around.

The reason this question is on the list is that the situation is symptomatic of an office that’s gotten out of the real estate business and into the recruiting business.

7.  Are  the mediocre agents in your office – ones doing, say, 8 deals a year or fewer – on  commission splits greater than 50%?

According to NAR, the average REALTOR in 2012 grossed $34,900.  That’s a little less than $17 an hour before taxes, insurance, business expenses and so on (assuming a 40 hour work week).  That will most likely be less than 10 closed transaction sides . . . and will often result in the agent getting some kind of plaque.  In fact, ‘Million Dollar Club’ agents – those who sell $1Million worth of real estate will gross something less than $20,000.  This is not only acceptable to most ordinary brokers, it is often celebrated, rewarded, fussed over.  If the non-producers in your office are being paid more than 50% all it says is that your broker is begging people to come to work for the company, even non-productive people.

Here’s a great truth from nature:  eagles don’t flock with turkeys.  If you are not one of  the living dead occupying space in your Ordinary office, get out!  Now!  And then do something extraordinary:  take a look at becoming a Help-U-Sell set fee broker or a buyer’s agent in a Help-U-Sell office.  

8.  Have you changed offices in the last 2 years?

Many years ago, I spent some time as Director of Recruiting at Century 21’s International Headquarters  (Can you imagine that?? Me???!  That was before I saw the light!).  We tracked all kinds of things related to agents and offices.  One of those things was turnover.  Generally speaking, every office turned completely over every three years.  I know:  the visual of that office turning over is funny.  But the stat isn’t.  It means if you take a photo of your office staff during sales meeting today, and put it away for three years and then look at it . . . .most of the people in the picture will no long be with the office.  Yes there are exceptions, but the fact is, agents in general have become obsessed with commission split, and office jumping to attain a higher number is regular as rain.  And what does this behavior say about the function of the office and the broker?  It says those things are irrelevant.  Unimportant.  A necessary evil.  If you are caught in this office-jumping cycle, consider the notion that a capable broker can greatly enhance your career.  If the broker’s business is to generate leads that you convert to sales, you’ll do more, make more and have more fun.  Of course, your split will be lower, because your broker will be spending serious money on marketing, but your career will be so much better you’ll finally stay put!  

9.  Do you put all of your listings in the MLS?

The MLS is great!  It’s a wonderful marketing tool!  Trouble is:  it’s expensive.  A seller going into the MLS has to be prepared to compensate not just the listing office and agent, but also the outside office and agent representing the buyer.  In many situations it’s worth the expense, but not in all situations.  

In fact, in most normal markets (not depressed or under-performing) , a properly priced listing will sell in a reasonable time with or without the MLS.  So why add the additional expense to the seller’s HUD-1 if you don’t have to?  If you could get the job done without costly outside help and thus save the seller serious money, why wouldn’t you?  I know:  your MLS probably has a rule that says you have to put all listings in, but that just means your seller has to sign a waiver if they’re not going into the MLS.  

Of course, if you hold your best, most marketable listings out of the MLS, passing the savings on to your sellers, your fellow agents are going to hate you.  You will be taking a little of their cheese away and giving it to your sellers.  But who are you supposed to be taking care of in your real estate career?  Your listed seller or the agent who works in the office down the street who secretly wishes you’d move to Tierra Del Fuego?

10.  Does your office own or have an interest in ancillary services (termite, title, escrow, mortgage, etc), and does your management team pressure you to pressure your clients to use those services?

I remember working with Ordinary brokers in the ’90s.  The big issue – other than recruiting, of course – was profitability.  You see, there was none.  By then, agents were demanding such high splits that even good, productive offices were making no money.  I remember going to a meeting of brokers in California.  Their discussion of profit was honest.  The consensus was that it was impossible to make a real profit in real estate, that the smart thing to do was to use the real estate office to drive business to your ancillary services.  Make your money on title, escrow, insurance, and so on.  Sad.

Really:  don’t you think that, if your business can’t make a real profit that maybe there’s a problem with your business model?  I mean, if you were selling hammers that cost you $2.00 for $3.00 and paying the salesperson 50% commission, you’d know what to do.  Why is that so hard in real estate?  

Are You Ordinary?

Well, the nasty-gramms have already started to roll in. If you are Help-U-Sell you know this comes with the territory: we scare the be-jabbers out of ordinary REALTORS so they tend to hurl Molotovs when we make ourselves heard.

My last post – the one about building a landing page for Sellers – contained some blunt but honest words about ordinary REALTORS. I named a handful of national brands, lumped them all together and said they were ordinary and that there was not one whit of difference in their consumer-side operating systems. There may be some behind the scenes areas of differentiation, most frequently in the way agents are paid and how they are encouraged to help the broker recruit, but the consumer doesn’t see that and doesn’t care about it. The consumer experience is identical whether you are Keller-Williams, Coldwell Banker or Exit. And trust me: that is not a good thing.

So I had a couple of people tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about because their brand is anything but ordinary! I had an old friend from my Century 21 days tell me I’d probably never work in the legitimate real estate business again. Now that’s a hoot, isn’t it? Because in that pronouncement he labelled the Brand I love, which is the one viable alternative to the tired agent-oriented real estate business model (Help-U-Sell), ‘Illegitimate.’ I think I’d rather be illegitimate than extinct, wouldn’t you?

I think it’s time you put your own real estate career to the test. All of you. It’s a simple set of 10 yes/no questions. If you answer ‘yes’ to more than 3 of them, then, no doubt about it, you are ORDINARY – and therefore headed for extinction sometime in the next decade. Ready? Let’s Go!

  1. Do you charge home sellers a percentage based commission? I’m sure you’re doing it because you’ve never questioned whether it made any sense or not. I assure you it does not.  If you need convincing, start HERE.
  2. Do your sellers pay the full percentage based commission specified in the listing agreement even if there is no outside selling broker or agent to pay?
  3. Do you allow your sellers to actively seek their own buyers if they choose?  And if they are successful, do they pay less?
  4. Does your office management team spend the bulk of its time recruiting new agents and training unsuccessful agents?
  5. Does your office incentivize agents to help in recruiting?
  6. Are agents in your office responsible for doing their own marketing and generating their own leads?
  7. Are  the mediocre agents in your office – ones doing, say, 8 deals a year or fewer – on  commission splits greater than 50%?
  8. Have you changed offices in the last 2 years?
  9. Do you put all of your listings in the MLS?
  10. Does your office own or have an interest in ancillary services (termite, title, escrow, mortgage, etc), and does your management team pressure you to pressure your clients to use those services?

Seriously:  3 yeses and your REALTOR DNA is probably so twisted you may never recover.  The only hope would be if Don Taylor – the founder of Help-U-Sell – were to open up a Betty Ford type clinic for recovering 6%ers . . . and I’m sorry, but he has his eye on other prizes.

So, what do you do if you do get more than 3 yeses and have to admit that you are, in fact, ordinary?  Here’s an idea:

  1. Take your gross income from last year.  Go ahead, take it right off the 1099
  2. Divide that by 52.  It’s ok to use a calculator for this and subsequent steps
  3. Now estimate how many hours you put into your real estate career in a typical week
  4. Divide the Dollars (the answer you got when you did the division in step 2) by the hours (step 3)
  5. That’s how much you made per hour last year in real estate . . . Gross, before taxes, insurance, business expenses, and so on
  6. Now compare that with minimum wage, or with starting pay in any salaried job for which you might qualify
  7. There’s no easy way to say this . . .  if the hourly wage is higher than what you grossed per hour last year, get out of the real estate business

Finally, I also got taken to task for ‘hating real estate agents.’  I’m sorry:  that’s just WRONG.  I love good real estate agents.  I think they are more than essential.  I think they are heroes.  What I can’t stand are mediocre real estate agents who continue to bump along, almost failing year after year.  They deliver inferior service, drag the image of the entire industry down, and sap business from good agents who could serve those buyers and sellers so much better.

What Does Your Seller Landing Page Look Like?

I’ve carped about it several times . . . most recently in my last post: Your website should enable potential sellers to learn how you can help them at a glance.

That seems so simple, until you start looking at real estate company websites. Most are oriented almost totally toward potential buyers – which is as it should be. Buyers find us online and if your company website doesn’t offer them superior tools and search capabilities they are not going to stop there. That’s why home search dominates almost every real estate company website.

But what if, like Help-U-Sell, your real estate company is really different? What if you have a completely different approach to working with home sellers than your competitors? If so, you’ve got a story to tell, and you’ve got to find a quick and easy way for potential sellers to hear it – which means ‘online.’

By the way, if you are Century 21, Coldwell Banker, ERA, BH&G, RE/Max, Exit, or any other national Brand, there’s no need to read further. You have nothing unique or special to offer sellers. It’s just business as usual done the same tired way it’s always been done in each of your offices. From a seller’s perspective, what’s the difference between Century 21 and Re/Max? Sign color.

Now, you, as an individual agent or broker, may be extraordinary! You may be completely unique in the spin you put on that old tired operating system. But consider this: if you were to sell your business to someone else, subtract your personality from the equation, what would your sellers have left? Yep: the same old tired way of doing business that is virtually identical to the way it’s being done in your competitors’ offices. No difference.

If, on the other hand, you ARE Help-U-Sell, you do have a completely different program for sellers. It costs WAY less, and the pricing makes sense! (what a concept)! You create opportunities for your sellers to save big time while delivering what they regard as ‘Full Service.’ You let them be as involved in the transaction as they want to be and you don’t play stupid REALTOR games like not letting them talk to potential buyers. If that’s you, you need to be using teaser ads to drive potential sellers to your website, where they can get a quick feel for what you do, which will enable them to take the next step: contact you.

In other words, you need a landing page for sellers, with its own unique URL and QR code.

What should be on it? At Help-U-Sell we have a great template: the ETM. Pictures and descriptions of homes for sale, sold and saves, testimonials and an Easy Way. Here. I took a stab at creating a seller landing page. It’s not pretty, but it could be:

Real estate sales commissions are high because they are designed to compensate four people:  the listing agent, the listing agent’s broker - the selling agent (the one who brings in the buyer) and the selling agent’s broker.    Most real estate commissions are a fixed percentage that you pay whether outside brokers and agents are involved or not. Because they are a fixed percentage, the more expensive your home, the more you will pay.    At Help-U-Sell we ‘un-bundle’ commissions and services.  Our home sellers may choose to offer their property for sale through outside brokers and agents - or not.  They may choose to go into the local MLS - or not.  Regardless of what services the home sellers selects at time of listing, however, the final fee is based on how the home actually sells.  If there is no outside office or agent involved in the transaction, all the seller pays is the Help-U-Sell Set Fee.  That’s another difference:  instead of a percentage based commission, our sellers pay a low Set Fee to market their homes through Help-U-Sell.  And while there are minor variations based on specific market niche’s, generally the seller with the 0,000 home who lists with Help-U-Sell ABC Realty will pay the same Set Fee as the seller with the 0,000 home.  We are a full service real estate company.  We do what ordinary brokers do and more, including:  Consulting with you on pre-sale preparation and pricing Calculating your estimated net proceeds Marketing your home using the most up-to-date and effective methods Helping you evaluate every offer that is received Looking out for your best interest through the transaction Communicating what’s going on every step of the way Handling problems as they arise Coordinating inspections and transaction deadlines Reviewing closing documents with you  Plus - we will save you thousands over what you’d pay most ordinary real estate brokers!  See how much you could save!

Ok:  Sold and Saves, Testimonials, and a more detailed version of the Easy Way.  By the way, I know you can’t read that, but if you’ll click it, it will open up a PDF version that you can view or download.

At the bottom there is a link to the great ‘You-We-They’ interactive savings calculator Robbie built last year.  If there’s something missing it’s contact information or a contact form.  Oh, and a request for a free CMA.

Once you have your landing page built, use Facebook Ads, Google Ads, little teaser ads everywhere to drive potential sellers to it.  The landing page should communicate enough of your program so that a viewer would feel comfortable calling you.  And you know what happens when they call you, right?  About 97% of the time, you get the listing!

How to Use Facebook to Generate Leads

Forget about spending hours posting fascinating real estate information, looking for people to ‘Friend’ and creating an online persona. I know: that’s what all the ‘Gurus’ are telling you to do. And I’m sure it can work.   But I’m too impatient for that.  I want instant gratification.  I want to start a marketing effort today and see the results this week.  You can do that with Facebook and the following steps will show you how.

  1. Go to your office website content management system (CMS), or to your tech person if you have one, and build a great landing page for customers.  What kind of customers?  Well, the page could be directed at Buyers or Sellers, but since every real estate website is directed to Buyers (search, search, search) and since listings are the name of the game, I’m going to suggest you build one for Sellers.  What should be on it?  A brief description of what you do and why you’re better than anyone else in the business, testimonials from real people you’ve helped with happy photos, and a contact form that ties directly to your cell phone.
  2. Go to your Facebook page.  Look for the gear icon in the upper right corner and click it.  You’ll get a drop-down menu and you should select ‘Create Ad.’  You’re going to create a little sidebar ad to run on Facebook that will drive people to the landing page you just created.
  3. Locate a good duty free graphic that will draw the eye and craft an intriguing statement in the space allotted.  Tip:  put your phone number in the ad.  It is remarkable how many people will phone you rather than click the link in your ad – and, since this is pay-per-click, if they don’t click, you don’t pay!
  4. This is the fun part.  Target your ad to hit the Facebook pages of the people you want to reach.  Maybe you’ll choose a geography:  say, a 5 mile radius of your office.  Maybe you’ll choose an age range:  25 – 55.  Maybe you’ll choose any number of other criteria.  Each time you select a criteria, you’ll see the size of your potential audience shrink.  That’s a good thing.  The best marketing is target marketing and as you fine tune and shrink your target audience, the effectiveness of your ad will increase.
  5. Set a click-rate.  How much are you willing to pay when a consumer clicks your ad?  Facebook will suggest a range and it will often be fairly large, say:  $1.50 – $10 a click.  Whatever you choose can be edited at any time, so I suggest starting in the lower half of the range, ideally just south of the mid-point.  What you’re really setting is the MAX you’ll pay for a click because the click rate varies depending on how many other ads are competing for the same audience at the same time.  Maybe you’ll bid $3.00 a click.  When you check your stats,  you’ll discover you’re only paying, on average, $2.05 a click.
  6. Set a campaign duration and total budget.  I would suggest your first campaign should run 1 – 2 weeks and have a budget of, oh . . . $200.  That will be enough for you to see some results and make adjustments.
  7. As the campaign runs, check your stats daily, even two or three times a day.  Are  you getting enough clicks to exhaust your budget in the time allotted?  If not, maybe you should up your click rate.
  8. Meanwhile, meticulously track your results.  Of the clicks that get to  your landing page, how many fill in the inquiry form?  How many call you?  And what about the people who never click, but call the number in the ad?  How many of them are there?

You see, this is how you develop leads using Facebook:  you treat it like any other advertising medium . . . because that’s what it is.   I love Facebook pay-per-click advertising because it can be so highly targeted.  $2.00 might seem like a lot to pay for a click, until you recognize that it is a click originating within your target market, from a person who fits the description you chose, who was sufficiently motivated by your teaser ad to investigate.  It’s a bargain!

Here’s the key: What can you offer in your teaser ad to get viewers to your Landing Page?  If you are Help-U-Sell, that ought to be easy.  (Picture of house ‘thinking’) Headline:  Thinking of Selling?  Body: See how much you can save!  (555) 543-2109.  

And, by the way: though I dissed Facebook’s ability to build your business in the first paragraph, truth is: it’s a great tool for staying in touch with past clients. Please exploit that aspect to the fullest. But try a little pay-per-click to generate NEW business.

What is a Sales Commission?

Sales commissions are so common in business that I sometimes wonder if we haven’t forgotten what they are all about.

While there are several ways to compute a sales commission – paid as a percentage of gross or of profit, paid on revenue over an agreed level, paid as a set fee per unit and so on – most are calculated on a percentage basis. The historical background on this goes back to the time when the maker of a thing wanted to focus on the making and get someone else to take the burden of developing a customer base and selling the thing.

Because the salesperson did not have a vested interest in the product or the company – he or she was just ‘the help’ – sales commissions were used as a motivational tool: the more you sell, the more you make. Some organizations took this idea to the max, graduating their commission scale upwards as a salesperson’s production increased. Others, fearing that good salespeople might make more than CEOs, put a cap on commissions (and usually drove their best salespeople away in the process).

The situation in real estate is a little squirrely. Technically, you pay your real estate BROKER (not agent) a commission when your home sells. Usually it is a percent of the sales price (which, of course, makes no sense at all), and it is intended to motivate your broker to work hard securing you the best possible offer on your property. But, in reality, most sellers never meet their broker. The person they deal with is an agent who works for the broker. The broker pays the agent a ‘split’ of the commission the seller pays the broker, and uses the ‘split’ as a means of motivating the agent.

That’s the way it’s been for decades.

But this is 2013. Home selling has changed:

  • It no longer takes an arm and a leg to sell a properly priced listing. The Internet has made powerful marketing affordable, even cheap.
  • The mystery of getting a house sold has evaporated as consumers have gained access to information previously held from them and systems have replaced personalities in the selling process.
  • As a result, the real estate superhero salesperson has lost his/her battle with Kryptonite. There really is no magic in the home selling process anymore. It’s pretty much: price it right, plug it into a marketing system that produces results and negotiate a good deal.
  • The value of an agent today has more to do with negotiating that good deal, looking out for his or her client’s interests (representation), transaction processing and problem resolution as the sale progresses to closing. It’s not so much about ‘selling.’

What I question is why we are paying our brokers a commission?  A commission is something you use to MOTIVATE a salesperson.  The broker today is NOT a salesperson.  In most ordinary real estate offices s/he is a glorified admin – supporting the efforts of his or her salespeople and keeping the office infrastructure working.  The ordinary broker today is someone we should be paying a FEE to, not a commission.  A FEE is something you pay a professional for handling a specialized task:  you pay an attorney a FEE, you pay an accountant a FEE, why not your real estate broker?

If there is a true salesperson in this equation it is the real estate salesperson, who works for the broker . . . but s/he is not a salesperson in the way you are probably thinking.  You’re probably thinking, ‘Yes!  It’s that salesperson who is going to sell my house, not the broker!’  But we’ve already established that you don’t really ‘sell’ homes; homes sell when they are priced properly and plugged into an effective marketing program.  The salesperson in an ordinary real estate company sells something other than homes.  What they sell is the services of the broker to consumers.  The broker hires salespeople not because s/he needs someone who knows how to sell a house, but because s/he needs someone to convince new sellers and buyers to do business with the company.

Seem like a muddled mess?  It is.  We have an antiquated business model at the heart of every ordinary real estate company.  They keep trying to dress it up as ‘new!’ but, as we used to say down South, ‘you can put lipstick on that pig, but it’ll still just be a pig.’

There is another, newer way to do business that makes sense, is completely effective and costs less.  It is Help-U-Sell, where you pay a broker a Set FEE to sell your home.  Because selling a properly priced home is not rocket science, the broker and his or her support staff and office systems ‘sell’ your home.  You’re not paying a bloated percentage based commission so that the broker can then turn around and compensate a salesperson NOT for selling the house but for bringing in new business to the company.  That merry-go-round you’ve been riding all these years is in a gazebo lined with fun-house mirrors:  the distortion and dizziness are numbing.  Get off now, regain your footing and return to logic.  Call Help-U-Sell and ask, ‘How do you guys work?’  You’ll probably be delighted with the answer.

NOTE: I keep talking about ORDINARY brokers and ORDINARY real estate companies. I realize it would be easy for almost any broker or agent with any company to imply that I couldn’t possibly be talking about THEM because they really are different. So let me clarify: probably more than 90% of the real estate offices operating in The United States today are ORDINARY. They are offices where the broker’s number one job is NOT selling real estate, but rather recruiting agents. They are offices that put the agent at the center, developing endless programs to aid salespeople, not consumers. They are offices that charge consumers a lofty percentage based commission not because there is a relationship between the commission and getting the home sold, but rather because they need all of that cash to pay the salespeople the huge ‘splits’ required to keep them. It’s all about accents. Ordinary Office = accent on the agent. Extraordinary Office = accent on the consumer (And there is no better way to put the accent on the consumer than to charge a logical low set fee for the service involved in selling a home).

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