Vote! Vote Early! Vote Often! But Vote!

Master of Time, Space and Graphics, Theo (I don’t know Theo’s last name but it’s probably one of those twisty South African names) . . . Theo has created three possible new headers for the Set Fee Blog. I’m excited to finally be moving out of last decade’s design and into the new Help-U-Sell image. Trouble is: I like all three so much I don’t know which to pick! So, I’m asking for your help:  Please vote for one of the following:

Candidate 1:

Candidate 2:

Candidate 3:

I will tabulate the vote and announce the winner on Monday, Sept. 19 by applying it to the page design.




Help Wanted

Wanted:  Market Segment Specialist

We are expanding our business and are looking for
a few happy folks in specific ‘niche’ marketplaces
to help secure our position there.  Are you in a
unique or specialized neighborhood? Belong to a
large local organization?  Are you active in a local
club, religious or social group?  This might be the
perfect way to earn an extra income working part-
time from home!  A real estate license is necessary
but easily obtained with our help.  Contact . . . . .


Once again, today’s Broker Roundtable call was a hit.  The sharing has been so good lately, there is a move afoot to change the name from ‘Roundtable’ to ‘Mastermind.’  We started out talking about the difference between hiring an agent as a real estate salesperson (charged with the responsibility of expanding your business) or as an assistant (helping you manage the flow of business you have created and freeing you up to create more).  It was an interesting discussion.  But once again, near the end of the call, an exciting new idea bubbled up.

It started with Maurine Grisso describing a Seniors Only neighborhood in her marketplace.  She said she’d love to have someone there to be her advocate.  Ken Kopcho chimed in, saying, ‘a kind of Market Segment Specialist?’  So this idea of bringing someone on to help you gain access to a specific niche market began to take shape.  It might be Seniors in a specific neighborhood or active in a specific club, or Veterans at the VFW, or even well liked and visible teachers.

The MSS job would be to tell the Help-U-Sell story whenever an opportunity arose so that we get the call when it comes time to buy or sell.  Compensation would probably be a referral fee.  You’d probably NOT be offering these people a full bore real estate career – and good candidates probably wouldn’t want one — just a chance to earn some extra money doing something easy and enjoyable.

Jack Bailey talked about a very well liked teacher who is active in his school and with the families of his students.  He has five kids of his own and is always looking for a way to earn a few extra dollars.  This might be perfect for that man.

While the initial vision of this job seemed to be most like a ‘bird-dog’ simply alerting the Broker when activity is imminent, Maurine enhanced it a bit, saying she’d want her Senior Specialist to work any of the buyers who might be appropriate for that specialized neighborhood.

I just cranked out the sample ad above that might be helpful in identifying candidates for this interesting new recruiting target.  Perhaps it would go well in Craig’s List or the Penny Saver.

While I love this idea, it is a little bit of a twist on the Help-U-Sell way.  Ordinary (Traditional) real estate Brokers recruit bodies with almost no selectivity hoping to hire the few who may expand their business.  You see, the Ordinary Broker believes the only way to do more business is to hire more agents.  At Help-U-Sell, we never hire unless we have more business than we can handle.  When we hire, we’re hiring NOT to expand our business but to more efficiently and effectively handle the business we have already created.  When we want to expand our business we do it with Marketing and skill development.

But here, you are hiring a Market Segment Specialist who will enable you to break into markets that are at present unavailable to you.  You are hiring them to help you expand your business. It’s a new wrinkle for us . . . but I like it!


It’s Up! It’s Down! And the Problem with ‘Virtual’ Companies

Having finally gotten back from vacation, my thoughts are a little scattered . . . but I still have a few morsels to share.

The NAHB (Home Builder’s Association) is out with a list of marketplaces that have shown sustained improvement over the previous six months.  These are places where three indicators (Housing Permits, Housing Prices and Employment)  have improved steadily over the period:

    • Alexandria, LA
    • Anchorage, AK
    • Bangor, ME
    • Bismarck, ND
    • Casper, WY
    • Fairbanks, AK
    • Fayetteville, NC
    • Houma, LA
    • Midland, TX
    • New Orleans, LA
    • Pittsburgh, PA
    • Waco, TX

Meanwhile, Zillow is out with a list of the ten metro areas experiencing the greatest drop in home values over the past five years, based on their own Z-Estimate guess at value.  All of these markets have experienced at least a 50% drop in value, according to Zillow:

    • Merced, CA
    • Modesto, CA
    • Stockton, CA
    • Las Vegas, NV
    • Vallejo, CA
    • Salinas, CA
    • Daytona Beach, Fl
    • Bakersfield, CA
    • Ft. Meyers, FL
    • Phoenix, AZ

Of course, I see a 50+% drop in values and immediately imagine a 50% drop in percentage based real estate commissions.  The whole traditional approach to the business has taken a 50% pay cut and that’s before factoring in any decrease in the number of sales occurring.  Clearly, we are in the midst of a huge change.  I don’t believe we will ever do business again the way we did it in the past.  In the future, consumers will demand a leaner, more efficient, less expensive, no-nonsense approach to buying and selling real estate.  Oh!  What was that I just heard?? Did someone whisper ‘Help-U-Sell?’

In the past, when we had a downturn, there was a purgative effect on the business.  Bad agents – I hate to mince words, but anyone doing less than a deal a month is, well, a bad agent – usually left the business when the pickings got slim.  While REALTOR ranks have shrunk during this long season, they’ve not dwindled they way I expected.

Concurrent with this downturn, we have the widespread advent of the ‘Virtual’ real estate company, an innovation I believe will be part of the future of real estate.  Unfortunately, the current aberration of the ‘Virtual’ company presents a problem.  Most have simply become a place were unproductive agents can hang their licenses cheaply.  Some charge an agent only a few hundred dollars a year, while others charge a small per-transaction fee.   So the three or four deal a year agent – the one who used to get out when things got tough – can now afford to stay in and scrape a few deals together each year while earning a regular paycheck somewhere else.  Of course, that’s fewer transactions available to the real professionals in the business, but in the end, it is the consumer who suffers.  They’re saddled with agents who do so little business they can’t possibly be as current or effective as others who live and die real estate every day.

I think it is very relevant and totally appropriate for any person thinking of selling today to ask their prospective agent, ‘How many transactions have you done this year?  How many last year?  How many were successful short sales?’  Today, you want an agent who is capable of turning numbers, who knows how to navigate a short sale and to solve the big problems that torpedo so many transactions.  One of the biggest mistakes a potential seller could make would be to select an agent who is doing so little, they don’t have the depth of experience to do much at all.

By the way:  Jackson Hole, The Tetons, and Yellowstone were all wonderful, but Utah . . . now that’s a State in which to spend some recreational time.  Zion National Park and, especially, Capitol Reef were amazing.  I learned many important lessons on the trip, especially that dogs and toads don’t mix.  Homer bit one when I wasn’t looking and immediately turned to foaming at the mouth and shaking.  Turned out this was not a lethal toad, just a typical one, and he got through it.  But All toads can produce the same reaction in a dog, even from just licking the little rascals.  There are a few that are lethal, but they are rare.  Although frogs don’t seem to be a problem, my advice is:  if it croaks and hops, give it a wide berth.


Did You Notice? You Have a New Image!

Dang, I love this company.  We’ve just had a complete overhaul of our image, it was painless and powerful . . . and it happened so smoothly you might not have noticed!

I say ‘just’ had an overhaul but what I mean is:  it’s been going on for over a  year and we’re finally at the point where I can look around and see there is a whole new look for Help-U-Sell.

It started with a redesign of the Website last year.  We saw red fading to black and something new:  a ‘swoosh’ at the bottom.  We liked the look enough that we started to emulate it in other places as well.  Now we’re cranking up for NAR, CAR, and Tri-State Conventions and a round of Franchise Seminars and are ordering booths and banners that reflect this new look.  Today, Robbie passed on the final version of a couple of large banners we’ll be using at some of the trade shows and I had to sit back and marvel at how sharp the look is.  It is light years ahead of where we were just a couple of years ago.  Check it out:

This kind of change is a big deal.  I was at Century 21 when that brand began monkeying with the Gold Coat.  It was a multi-year debate full of wrangling and strong opinions.  Finally, the company opted for a more camel colored jacket . . . and that was the death of one of the best bits of branding they ever did.  Within months, the jacket was declared a ‘ceremonial garment,’ suitable for wear at conventions and other company meetings but never out in public!  What’s up with that??

Here, we have a whole new look, one that communicates a strong and current message about who we are, and it happened easily and comfortably.  Oh, to be lean and mean and able to move quickly is a wonderful thing!

Hey, as long as we’re emulating, how about we all emulate Robin Rowland and wear a little Help-U-Sell red every day?

(And, gulp, I realize it’s probably time for a redesign of the Set Fee Blog, too . . . )

Did you feel that? It was a Paradigm Shift!

One thing that ordinary real estate brokers doubt about Help-U-Sell is our claim that we Charge Less but Make More. Their disbelief is understandable. Usually they are charging thousands more for the same service we offer and having a very difficult time turning the smallest profit. So they think, “If I’m not making it charging 5% or 6% or even 7%, how are they making it on a much lower Set Fee?”

The problem with that kind of thinking is the Paradigm surrounding it. The ordinary broker looks around and sees office after office doing essentially the same thing, broker after broker trapped in a recruiting treadmill that is supposed to pay off someday, agents coming and going and demanding ever increasing splits . . . and concludes that’s just the way things are in the real estate business . . . for everybody (us included).

Well, it’s not. Our reality is very different. Our Paradigm is built on almost 40 years of success in the field with a business model that is remarkably and proudly different than the status quo. It’s a model that strips a lot of the fluff and nonsense out of the real estate business and gets down to the brass tacks of: what does it take to market a property? And, what should that cost?

Let’s start with the Listing. Ordinary real estate would have you believe that the fine art of selling a home requires the careful handling of a near super-hero, a professional who routinely works miracles with the wave of his or her mysterious, magic real estate wand. That may have been partly true in the 50s and 60s when most Americans were pretty naive when it came to home buying and selling and we didn’t have the wonderful marketing tools that are readily available today. But today, it’s pretty simple. Here’s the formula:

  • Price the home competitively
  • Get it up on the Internet, syndicating out to as many aggregator sites as possible (especially Zillow and Trulia)
  • Put a sign in the yard with a QR code so SmartPhone enabled buyers can get the information
  • Do a Virtual Tour and include lots of pictures in all marketing
  • Price the home competitively
  • Put the listing in the MLS if and when you believe the extra local exposure is necessary*
  • Mail or hand deliver Just Listed information to as many neighbors as possible
  • Instruct the Sellers on how to effectively hold an Open House and provide them with enough directional signs to lead guests to the property.
  • Price the home competitively
  • Distribute information about the home to your Centers of Influence and anyone in your Buyer Pool for whom the property might work
  • And so on (yes, there is more you could do . . . but really: this will do the job for most properly priced homes in any marketplace.)

Getting this job done does not require a magician, a super-human agent, or anything of the kind. It requires a well-organized person who knows the local market and has a predictable and repeatable system for processing all listings the office takes.

At Help-U-Sell, you’re not paying to have a super-star agent’s name sitting on top of your for sale sign. You’re paying for a proven marketing system and a team of professionals to do a complicated job for you. We believe that all listings belong to the office, not to an individual agent and it is the office’s marketing system that will bring a buyer, not the personality of an agent.

So the seller pays a Low Set Fee that is sufficient to cover the cost of carrying and marketing the listing until sold plus a reasonable profit for the office. When the sale closes and the Fee comes into the office, we don’t lop off the lions share to give to the ‘Listing Agent.’ The ‘Listing Agent’ was the office and the full fee goes into the company coffers. It’s one of the reasons we are able to charge less but make more. Take a look at the numbers:

Assume a $250,000 house. The ordinary agent working in an ordinary office charges, say . . . 6%. The Help-U-Sell Broker has a Set Fee of, say . . . $3,950.

Ordinary Office:

  • Commission Earned on the Listing Side: $7,500
  • Less 70% Commission Split to the Agent: $5,250
  • What’s left to run the business and make a profit: $2,250

Help-U-Sell Office:

  • Set Fee Earned on the Listing: $3,950
  • Less Agent’s Commission: $0
  • What’s left to run the business and make a profit: $3,950

The Help-U-Sell office, in addition to having a delighted Seller, has $1,700 more to apply to expenses and the bottom line. It’s one of the reasons our brokers are able to out-market their ordinary competitors: they have more funds available!

Now let’s take that delighted Seller and multiply by, say 300. Can you imagine how quickly business would fly through your door if you had 300 former clients in the local marketplace singing your praises every time they had a chance? Add to that the fact that your offer to home Sellers is far superior to anything else anyone is doing and Listings get easier and easier to take. And you know what all those listings produce, don’t you? Yes: Buyers.

And this is where Agents enter into the equation in a Help-U-Sell office. We hire agents to handle the Buyers our listings generate.

Once again, we have to make a Paradigm shift when we start talking about hiring agents. The ordinary broker believes that the only way to expand the business is to add more and more agents. The ordinary broker has been taught that Recruiting (with a capital R) is his or her single most important function. The ordinary broker’s mantra is something like: Always Be Recruiting, Recruiting is the Lifeblood of the Office, Recruit the World! Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!

At Help-U-Sell, we don’t Recruit. We Hire agents when the flow of Buyer business is so strong that we cannot handle it with our current staff. We Hire agents to help handle the business the Office has created. It’s a great job, too, because we don’t ask our agents to list, to call FSBOS, to door knock, to do any of the things agents generally hate to do. We ask them to take the Buyer leads the office has created and do a decent job of converting them into sales. And because we have taken responsibility for expanding the business off their shoulders, we are able to pay them a reasonable commission split.

Did you hear that?

That was the sound of push-back as dozens of real estate agents read that last sentence. It’s that ‘reasonable commission split’ part that gets them. But hang on just a moment. Average per agent production today is in the 6 closed sides a year range. Yet average commission splits are in the 70% range. I think everyone would agree: if you’re doing just 6 sides a year, you’re failing. So what good is that 70% split? It’s not enough to boost your income above poverty level, is it?

How many more Buyer side transactions could you produce in a year if you never had to generate a lead, take a listing, fight for a price reduction, pay for marketing, wait for the phone to ring, and so on? And how many more could you do if every time you put one under contract, you were handed another? You see, the ordinary broker has little to offer an agent other than a lofty commission split. At Help-U-Sell we offer you leads. We also offer you training, coaching and accountability.

I was an ordinary broker years ago. I was a good one too. But at times I just felt like a beggar. I spent my days begging people to come to work for me and begging the ones I already had not to leave. My program was exactly like everyone else’s so all I could do was beg and wave around a big commission split. The agents I hired went out into the field and begged people to list with us. Again, our program was exactly like everyone else’s so all they could do was beg and hope their personality would win the day.

At Help-U-Sell we don’t beg. Our Seller offer is so good that sellers reach for it, without the begging. Our systematic marketing is so effective that we have a flow of buyers coming into the office. We hire agents to help take care of that business, without the begging. It’s a real business with no smoke, no mirrors and no magicians.

*MLS is a wonderful tool, but it is expensive.  Selling through MLS usually means having to pay not one company but two.  So when you elect to go into the MLS, you have to be prepared to pay that other company, that outside agent.  Sometimes market conditions are such that MLS is essential.  But sometimes it is not, especially if the home is priced competitively.  Where most ordinary brokers insist every listing must go into MLS (and every seller must pay enough commission to cover the added expense), at Help-U-Sell MLS is an Option.  You’ll discuss this with your Broker and make a decision.

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