Do You Need a SmartPhone?

I wrote a post a while back called “Do You Really Need A SmartPhone?”  It has proven to be very popular,  and usually gets lots of search engine attention.  Apparently, people are really confused about this!

Today, I re-read that original post and found it . . . um . . . confusing.  Oh, my information was good; it just wasn’t organized as well as it could have been.  So I’m going to make another stab at it here:

‘Do I Really Need A SmartPhone, Part II”

What is a SmartPhone?  It’s a cellular phone that can access the Internet.  That usually means it can access the Internet via a wi-fi connection or over your carrier’s mobile network.  This is important because when you access the Internet on your SmartPhone via a wi-fi signal, there is usually no additional charge.  However, when you access the Internet over your carrier’s mobile network, the usage counts against your monthly allowance, and if you go over the allowance, there is usually an additional charge.    As a practical matter, many have a wi-fi network set up at home, and that works fine for SmartPhone Internet access there, but when we’re out and about. . . that’s where you’ll be running on your carrier’s mobile network.

For what reasons might you want to access the Internet with your SmartPhone?  There are a million reasons.  And none of them may be important to you.  Here are a few of the most popular things people do with their Internet connected Smartphones:

  • Navigation.  The GPS navigation built into the phone uses the Internet.
  • Email.  You can collect your email on your phone . . . but it requires Internet access.
  • Facebook.  When you are on it, you are on the Internet, whether at your computer or your SmartPhone.
  • Google/Searching.  If, like me, you want the answer NOW, you may be using search features on your phone, features that jump to the Internet to find the answer.
  • Apps.  If it’s an App, chances are it operates off the Internet – or ‘In The Cloud.’  How about the one that tracks your morning run, telling you how far you went and showing your route?  Internet.  How about that QR Code reader App?  It’s going to take you to the Internet.  How about that YouTube App or the automatic ‘radio’ you downloaded?  They run over the Internet, and therefore, count against your monthly data allowance.

You see, there are quite a few things you might do with a SmartPhone, on the Internet.  The question is:  would you?  You’re the only person who can answer that, and you may not know until you get a data plan and try it for awhile.

Now that you mention it, what is a ‘data plan?’ and do I need one?  A data plan is what enables you to access the Internet with your SmartPhone when you are away from a connected wi-fi signal.  It gives you Internet access through your carrier’s mobile network.  So, if you are going to be using your SmartPhone for Internet activities when you are away from a wi-fi network, yes, you are going to need a data plan.  And they aren’t cheap.  Usually you pay for a monthly allowance of data use – usually mesured in Gigabytes (GB).  A couple of GB is fine for most average users.  But if you’re going to stream movies, watch baseball games, play cloud games and so on, you’re going to burn that up quickly.

Is it possible to have a SmartPhone and only use it over wi-fi?  Yes.  While in Mexico earlier this year I used my phone only over wi-fi.  All of the Apps and other features I wanted worked fine.  But that was a special situation.  If you’re at home, where you have a wi-fi network, and that’s where you’re usually going to be when you want to use your phone to access the Internet . . . why wouldn’t you just use your computer?  Or your tablet?  The screens are bigger, and there’s nothing you can do on a SmartPhone you can’t do on a computer (except, maybe make calls).

What about text messages?  That’s where this whole discussion gets squirrely.  Most text messages in the US go over the carriers mobile netowrk.  Since they are text, not voice, they are data, right?  Yes, but most carriers charge for text messages differently than they do ordinary Internet data use.  They usually charge for messaging by the number of texts sent/received, within a monthly allowance.  That’s why most cellular plans have three components:  Voice/Data/Text, with an allowance for each component.  But, what if you don’t have a data plan?  Can you still get text messages (which, technically, are data)?  Yes.  Almost all phones, Smart and Dumb alike, can make and receive calls and text messages.

What if you decide you really don’t need to access the Internet when you are away from your home base computer?  What if Navigation and email and Facebook are not important to you when driving down the road?  Then you probably don’t need a data plan.  And if you don’t need a data plan, you don’t need a SmartPhone.  A ‘dumb’ phone (which is a pretty smart instrument) will make and receive calls and text messages without a data plan.  It will probably cost a lot less, too.

It is my humble opinion that unless you are a person who lives on (an in) your phone, for whom your phone IS your computer, OR unless you are in a business that requires you to be richly connected to the full cadre of information and media housed on the Internet . . . you probably don’t need a SmartPhone.

And, if you decide you do need one, rather than get lassoed into a two year contract with a carrier, why not take control of the whole situation.  Start by buying a phone outright.  I recommend the Google Nexus 4 phone available through the Google Play Store.  At less than $400 it’s all the SmartPhone you’ll ever need.  Then, shop various carriers’ ‘bring your own phone’ plans and choose the best one – at the moment – without a contract requirement.  When you hear of a better deal somewhere else, take your phone and switch.  Armed with information about what constitutes data and data usage, and with your own phone, you will finally be in control of this important part of contemporary life.

Flashback Friday: Who We Are . . .

(From November, 2009)

The Help-U-Sell® Brand stands for something.  It represents the ability of the average consumer to receive expert assistance in a real estate transaction while saving significantly over what they’d spend with an ordinary REALTOR®.  It proudly represents a new approach to the real estate business, a better model, a new deal.  This reputation for exceptional customer service, coupled with savings has enabled us to build Brand awareness nationwide.

The Help-U-Sell Vision Statement expresses how we see ourselves in the competitive environment in which we operate:

We are the premier provider of professional licensed real estate services, empowering consumers with access to information and choice, while offering a set-fee for service.


Great care was taken in crafting the Vision Statement to truly express who we are.  The language is very precise:

Premier Provider – We are an elite corps, the cream of the crop. We are neither discounters nor a limited service option.

Professional, Licensed Real Estate Services – We are fully licensed in our respective states and aspire to the highest levels of professionalism in the industry.

Empowering Consumers – We give our Buyers and Sellers the information and tools they need to effectively navigate the complex world of real estate sales.

Access to Information – We don’t ‘hoard’ information or hold it hostage.  We freely give our buyers and sellers as much information as they need to make an informed decision.

Choice – We present our clients options, help them evaluate them and then tailor a solution to fit their particular need.  We do not embrace one-size-fits- all solutions.

Set Fee for Service – We price our services logically and fairly.  Our pricing makes sense to the consumer and we tailor our pricing to fit the services they use.

The five Help-U-Sell® Core Beliefs are the backbone of our identity.  They guide the way we relate to our customers and clients, our fellow brokers and each other.

We Believe In

  • Integrity:  We conduct our business with honesty and transparency, and share information without condition. 
  • Consumer Choices and Empowerment:  We present options and help our clients evaluate them, enabling them to make informed decisions.
  • Consumer Savings:  We strive to ensure that every consumer choice results in savings.
  • Broker Control and Profit: In our office, the broker is the business. The broker generates the leads, develops client relationships, and ensures successful transactions.
  • Systems Orientation: We create and implement systems for accomplishing recurring tasks.

Never forget you are different.  Though you assist the same customers as ordinary REALTORS, yours is an entirely different business model.

Two Reasons You Must BUY NOW (No Matter What)

Plain and simple:  your dream house ( or any house for that matter) will never be as affordable as it is right now;  and it’s all slowly beginning to change.

Though rates are low and prices remain lower than they should be, buying a house today is not easy.  Inventories are so low that there is little selection and no time for hesitation.  When your new home comes on the market, you must move quickly to beat out all the other buyers for whom it may be perfect.  Many new listings today get multiple offers in the first couple of weeks!  Still, you must redouble your efforts to buy that house now for two very good reasons:

First, interest rates have begun to creep up. Today’s rates are higher than they were three months ago. Everybody knows higher rates are in our future.  The only question is:  how high will they go?  Many believe we’ll plateau and settle in somewhere in the 6% range, but what does that mean to you?

Well, if you are buying a $225,000 house with 10% down and decent credit, you’ll probably get your $202,500 30 year fixed rate mortgage for about 3.75% today.  The monthly payment would be about $938.  If that was the maximum payment you’d accept and rates were at 6%, the most you could afford (with your same $22,500 down payment) would be $179,000.  That’s a $46,000 drop in the price of the house you could afford simply because rates went up.

Take a moment to picture those two houses.  If the $225,000 house has 4 bedrooms, the $179,000 house probably has 3.  If the $225,000 house is 1850 square feet, the $179,000 house probably has 1600.  It’s just less; a lot less.

Also, prices are climbing very rapidly.  Yes we were in a bit of a price hole for a few years.  Actually, it was more like the Mariana Trench.   Prices fell as much as 60% from their highs in 2006.  We bottomed out in most markets sometime last year.  Now, the pendulum is swinging again:  prices are rising.  In some areas they are rising rapidly.  I read earlier this week that prices in California rose about 20% in the last year.  Let’s consider that for a moment.

Again, think about that $225,000 house you were wanting to buy, but this time, you should have bought it last year.  Know what it costs today?  $281,250.  $56,000+ more.  If $225,000 is your target price, you’ll be looking at homes that cost $180,000 last year!

These two factors should quickly impel your home purchase project to the front burner.  This is not the time to hem and haw and looky – looky – looky.  You must get clear about what you want and what you can afford, then stalk your new home like a tiger in the jungle.  When you see it, pounce.  In another year the opportunity may be gone. Is Launched

Ok, Help-U-Sell Brokers:  I promised a blogging solutions for you.  Here are the details

First:  YOU NEED ONE!  Why?  Go back two blog posts and read the facts.

Here’s what I’ll do:

Get you set up:

Help you secure a domain name (like, set-up hosting, install WordPress, install and customize your blogging template, customize your graphics, and install a dozen plugins that will make your blog easier to manage and more attractive to search engines.

Teach you about your blog:

Show you how to post, respond to comments, check your stats and so on.

Write content for you blog:

At least four posts per month, all localized as much as possible and posted in your name.

Review blog performance with you:

Check stats regularly with an eye towards popular posts, frequently used search terms, ways to drive more traffic an so on.

Visit to see a full program description and a sample blog.  The sample uses the basic template and set-up I’ll be using.  Sharp, huh?

If you’re already blogging and just want a little help, let’s talk.  I’m sure there’s a way we can work together.

By the way:  if you’re an ordinary Broker, I’m sorry:  I’ve got nothing for you.  I could only create content for extraordinary brokers, ones focused on the consumer, the consumer experience and doing much more with less.

What’s Most Important When Buying A Home (Selling One, Too)

It pains me to admit it . . . it’s such a tired old cliche . . . but it’s true:  Location, Location , Location.  

The way we interpret that has been a little askew – the notion that there are right locations and wrong locations, good locations and bad locations – but your location, and more important, your understanding of the strengths of your location, are key.

No, there are no right and wrong locations.  Almost every location is ideal for someone.

Young families often want a location near a particular school.

Working people often target a neighborhood based on commute.

Urban hipsters want to enjoy the nightlife of the ‘hood on foot.

Families on tight budgets often want affordability and seek areas where that’s possible.

When you begin to look for your dream home, start with lifestyle:  what is yours?  How do you like to spend your everydays?  What are the activities that drive your life?  What’s important in keeping you and your family moving forward?  Get a picture of the kind of neighborhood that will support that . . . and then look for it.

Fill in a few blanks:

I want to be able to ________________.

I really like to ___________________.

It’s important that we ________________.

We are usually very clear about how far:  how far away from X and Y we are willing to live.  So take your local map, plot X and Y and then draw that meandering circle that sets the limit of that distance.  That line will become the boundary of your ballpark, the large area inside which you will look for your lifestyle.

Don’t worry about what anybody else thinks.  It’s your lifestyle, not theirs.  The exception is your REALTOR. who should be on board with your process and can point out pluses and minuses you may have missed.

Not until you have identified the locations where you can be happy living can you get down to how many bedrooms and baths, house vs. condo, ranch  or split-level.  Those things don’t matter until you have found your location.

When considering a location, do a little field reconnaissance before adding it to the acceptable list.  Go to the local supermarket during a busy time – often 5-ish in the afternoon – and shop.  These are the people who will be your neighbors:  what do you think?  Get up early and go hang out in a coffee shop or get a guest pass to the gym.  Drive the neighborhood – or drive your commute to and from the neighborhood – during rush hour.  Pay attention to the children (they are wonderful barometers):  do they seem generally happy?  Or are they more on the angry and spaced-out side?

If you are selling, do the same kind of exercise.  Discover (or re-discover) what kind of people live in your neighborhood.  What is the lifestyle?  The average age?  What do your neighbors like to do?  You probably think you already know this, but if you’ve been in your home for awhile, you may be surprised at how things have changed when you weren’t paying attention!

Do this as a seller to get a picture of your target.  What kind(s) of people are most likely wanting to live in your neighborhood?  Once you have that in mind, how would you go about reaching them?  It’s one of the topics of conversation in every good listing consultation.  You probably ought to hear your agent say something like:

The most likely buyer for your home will probably be a family with school aged kids wanting to be close to Emerson Elementary.  I’m going to market to those people specifically by doing X, Y, and Z.

Location – yours and the one you want to have – is real estate bedrock.  It is location that will enable you to love your home or not like it so much.  When you begin to look, or prepare to sell, spend a little time getting very clear on location.  Then get moving!

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