Five Facets of a Happy Life (and the Thing that Makes it all Work)

1.  Joy: The ability to be at least a little amazed at every moment.  My dog taught me about joy.  For him, every instant is bursting with possibility, adventure, beauty and wonder.  You might find joy in the way objects are arranged, in the color of your surroundings or the sounds, or in the way your mind takes it all in.  No matter what happened to your last sale, this specific moment is always full of life.

2.  Peace: Which is the absence of strife, both external and internal.  Where Joy is mostly an attitude, a choice, a habit, Peace is a goal.  It’s something we work on every day.  We have to because strife and struggle are a very necessary part of life.  For most of us, Peace has a lot to do with flexibility, adaptability, the willingness to change direction and happily take plan B.  Peace and Trust go hand in glove because Trust is knowing you’re going to be ok no matter what happens.

3.  Productivity: The ability to get stuff done.  We are, by nature, do-ers, planners, builders.  We make things and organize things, we progress step by step through a series of tasks to achieve a goal.  We take pleasure in looking back and seeing what we’ve accomplished.  Productivity gets at doing good work, at being creative, at learning and growing.  And building.  What are you building today?

4.  Connectedness: To feel a kinship with other people.  My guess is the hermit lifestyle would make most of us pretty crazy.  We need each other, casually, constructively, and intimately.  Whether you are a person who is energized by contact and the more people, the better – or one who is a little overwhelmed by crowds, interaction with others like ourselves is one of the things that keeps us grounded and focused.

5.  Passion: The ability to be excited by something for a sustained period.  Passion can fuel all of the other Four Facets.  Passion drives us and makes us resiliant.  Our greatest rewards come when we bring our genuine passion to play.  That’s why it’s so important to know where our passions lie and to allow ourselves to explore and exercise them.

There is one thing that is a pre-requisite for all of this. It’s the one thing that has to be in place before we can push our potential anywhere.  It’s Health.  Joy, Peace, Productivity, Connectedness and Passion all take energy, and if you haven’t noticed, energy is a finite thing.  You and I only have so much of it.  We can increase the amount of energy we have for living by getting healthy. That means eating well, and exercising the body and the mind.

Often it’s small adjustments that pay off big in terms of Health.  I dropped my cholesterol 35 points in 90 days by simply  changing my breakfast routine.  (My doctor was delerious:  he wants to make me some kind of poster-boy.)  I have a friend who’s lost 10 pounds this year by changing very little in the quantity of what he eats.  He just quit eating mammals.  One of the women in my spinning class is off blood pressure medicine for the first time in decades because she spends an hour, three times a week, pedaling herself into a good, heart pounding sweat.

Whether you work to increase your store of energy or are content to work with what you’ve got, ultimately you’ll choose how you’ll spend this rare and valuable resource.  It is a choice not to be taken lightly.  Here’s hoping you choose to spend it on the big five:  Joy, Peace, Productivity, Connectedness and Passion.

The Benefits of Being a Help-U-Sell Broker

Here’s a little vid we did for the Franchise Opportunity Center. It’s the first time we used the Green-Screen studio we created in Sarasota. Next time we have to work on lighting (or get me a body double!). (Oh, and contact lenses, too . . . . Mary, can I expense that?)


Today, the Real Estate Industry Soil is fertile and innovation is struggling to blossom all over the place.  It’s because of the downturn, you know.  When the market is hot, when buyers and sellers are abundant and financing is plentiful, everyone goes into a gallop just to keep up.  There’s not much time for invention.   Not only that, in a hot market, market share shifts are rare as well.  Just as a downturn spawns creative thinking and new ideas, it also provides an opportunity for bold upstarts to gain marketshare.  Often it is the combination of boldness and innovation that results in growth during tough times.

The fledgling real estate franchises gained a major foothold on the real estate business during the tough market of the late 70s and early 80s.  Small independent brokers wrestling with fewer sales were grasping at anything that would give them an edge and national branding seemed to be the answer.   It was during the same downturn that MLSs began to move away from the endless printing of  ‘MLSBooks’ and convert to a purely online model, a major innovation.

ERA Real Estate launched at this time and was seen as quite the innovator.  Few remember, but the letters, ERA, stood for ‘Electronics Realty Associates.’  Their hallmark innovation was that each office had a crude fax machine, called a ‘People Mover.’  A homebuyer sitting in an ERA office in, say, Atlanta, could receive faxed pages from the MLS Book from an ERA broker in Seattle.  All of the other (non-ERA) brokers had to rely on the US mail to share information with an out of towner.   That silly FAX machine was seen as a huge piece of innovative technology.  (Aside:  we also forget that in the early days, ERA brokers and associates wore a distinctive blazer.  Like the Century 21 mustard gold coat, the ERA blazer was light powder blue – just like my high school prom tux!)

All of this is a prelude to what I really want to talk about, which is Help-U-Sell Grein Group in Stafford, Virginia.  I stopped in to see Josh and Bettina Grein on a recent swing through that part of the country and I came face to face with innovation, born out of necessity.  (Remember?  Necessity is the Mother of Invention).  The Greins were struggling with a tight market and an uncooperative landlord.  Their rent was huge given their location and the decline in the market.  But the landlord would not entertain any thought of a renegotiation of their lease.  They tried and tried and got nowhere . . . until they announced they were leaving.  Suddenly the landlord wanted to deal but it was too late.

Josh and Bettina found a struggling coffee shop in a much better location in their town.  They felt, with a few adjustments, the coffee shop could be profitable and the extra income from coffee sales would be a nice supplement to their real estate income.  The shop also offered a solution to their landlord problem.  There were additional rooms in back of the shop where Help-U-Sell Grein Group could relocate.  They decided to make the leap.

When I stopped in, they’d been open about two weeks.  The  coffee shop was full of people in the early afternoon and though it was a true coffee shop/cafe, it was also clearly the home of Help-U-Sell.  Listing fliers were prominently displayed and it would be hard to miss other identifiers at the back of the shop.  Josh told me he’d talked to more people about Help-U-Sell in the past two weeks than he had in months.  Bettina said she’d had three good agents stop in and ask about coming to work for them.

The Greins have experienced a downturn from peak levels of 2006, but they have managed to hang on and gain share while their competitors have withered.  There’s is a strong market made up of people who work in and around Quantico Marine Base, the FBI National Training Academy and those who make the hour long commute to Washington DC every day.  They have done well in the upper end of the market where homes are priced in the $500,000 – $800,000 range. As Bettina says, ‘We do well in the upper end because that’s where people can save the most money.’

(Aside to every broker who’s ever told me Help-U-Sell is not for the luxury home market:  it’s all about attitude and expectation)

It’s a little early to tell, but my belief is that Josh and Bettina are on to something that will help them gain an even bigger share of market.  They have taken the First Objective of Marketing to the max.  You remember that, don’t you?  The First Objective of Marketing?  It’s Visibility.  First, you want to be Visible.  You want your logo to be seen everywhere, over and over.  That’s why we use blitz signs and have our sellers put out directionals, and wrap our cars and on and on:  it’s so we are Visible to the max.  The coffee shop has made Help-U-Sell Grein Group more Visible than they ever were at their old office and it looks like an innovation that’s going to pay off.

Blogging with Video

Dan Desmond, great Help-U-Sell Broker in Forked River, New Jersey, posted an article to Facebook that stated that 90% of Realtors don’t have blogs.  No surprise there.  90% of human beings don’t have blogs.  Actually, it’s probably higher.  Anyway, Dan’s comment was that he better get himself in gear.  It got me to thinking.

Why don’t people blog?  I believe it’s because putting together a coherent sentence and paragraph is difficult for most people.  Effortless writing is a gift most people don’t possess.  Not that we can’t write, it’s just that for most of us, writing is way too big a chore to take on with any regularity.  But you don’t have to be a writer to be a blogger.  If you can talk (most of us seem to have mastered that skill) and operate a video camera, you can blog with video.  It’s cheap and easy — much easier than writing for most — and is probably more effective in terms of being attractive to search engines.

Here’s a 6 minute video blog post I did.  It took less than 30 minutes to do, start to finish:  10 minutes to shoot (I had to start over once) and 20 to edit.  Uploading to YouTube took much longer, but required nothing of me but patience.  Embedding it here was nothing more than a copy/paste operation between YouTube and the blog.  I shot it with a Logitec Webcam with on-board microphone and edited it in Pinnacle Studio.

Ok, so it’s not a Hollywood masterpiece, but it is relevant and it will be noticed in searches. So why not try one yourself? And then tell me how many hits you get.

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