Platinum Edge and the Clarity of the Brand

We at Help-U-Sell have a second brand, reserved for upper end properties, Platinum Edge.  Platinum Edge has its own logo, and colors (purple and gold), and is occasionally used by a handful of Help-U-Sell brokers.  I was on my way out of Help-U-Sell when the sub-brand was devised and was only peripherally privy to the conversation that led to its birth.  Now, half a dozen years later, I’m looking at it and wondering, ‘What in the world were we thinking?’

We have Help-U-Sell:  an already well-established brand.  By well-established I mean that most consumers have heard of us and many have an inkling that we are somehow different than ordinary real estate practitioners. That is HUGE.  Really:  establishing brand recognition is a very tough task that usually takes years.  The good news is: once you have it, it tends to stay with you.  (For more about this, read ‘Marketing Warfare’ by Ries and Trout. )

To trade the power of that wonderfully distinct brand for something that is completely unknown by the consuming public seems misguided at best, even cavalier.

I know the history.  A group of our old Regional Directors got together and decided that the Help-U-Sell brand was a turn-off for high end homeowners.  It seemed to them that the reason we had little presence in the lofty price ranges was that those homeowners were, um, what’s the word?  Oh, yes:  embarrassed to have the Help-U-Sell sign in their yard!  They didn’t want the neighbors to know they wanted to save money, don’t you see?  And somehow, by simply changing the sign and the name they’d flock to us to save thousands on the sale of thier McMansions.

I guess that must have resonated in 2005.  A lot of stupid stuff did.  And hats off to Infinium for NOT re-inventing the Regional Director mess when they took control of Help-U-Sell at the end of 2008.  Today we function quite well without that extra barrier between the franchisor and the franchisee.

Last year I visited with Josh and Bettina Grein, Help-U-Sell Grein Group in Stafford, Virginia.  They have a good business, much of which takes place in the upper end of their marketplace, homes priced at $500,000 and up.  I asked how they were able to break into that market.  Bettina looked at me, puzzled, and finally said,  ‘Break in?  What do you mean?  . . .  That’s where people can save the most.’  Period.

I don’t think we needed Platinum Edge to sell high end properties.  I think we needed passion, pride and belief that what we have works – three things that were in rather short supply in 2005.  Consumers are psychic:  if you stand before them with doubt and trepidation, they sense it and respond accordingly . . . if you’re not proud and passionate about what you’re doing, you might as well stay home.

Today our group is like a hungry, happy pack of wolves.  They are so deeply into Help-U-Sell, into saving consumers money, into doing it differently and better that it’s almost part of their DNA.  It’s as if  a whole new species of  REALTOR is loose on the planet, a mutant strain that has evolved in response to changes in the (consumer) environment.  It’s stronger, faster, smarter, clearer and more effective.  While all the old dinosaurs in the forest are slowly turning into crude oil, this new breed is taking over.  It’s Survival of the Fittest and we’re certainly up to the challenge.  Platinum Edge?  That’s just a hat-tip to the old Tyrannosaurus we used to be, our clunky, addled, awkward, embarrassed former incarnation.  Today Help-U-Sell comes in just one color, and it’s the color of passion and love:  RED.  Let’s Hunt!

Clarifying Terms: Full Service Broker, Limited Service Broker, Discounter, Help-U-Sell

I wrote a piece a long time ago called Full Service Broker vs Limited Service Broker vs Discounter.  It remains popular.  I think it’s because the title uses terms people use when searching online.  Trouble is, the piece was really just musing.  I was trying to point out how mushy the definitions of these key concepts are in the world of real estate today.  Nobody reading that post is going to come away with a firm understanding of the various kinds of brokerages out there and few will get a feel for how we at Help-U-Sell are different and better.  So, let me take a stab at it this time being a little more pedantic.

Full Service Broker: A Broker who essential takes over the task of selling a home. Usually that means the seller does nothing but sit back and wait for a contract and then a closing. I could be more granular in the description – break it down a little further – but I don’t think that’s necessary.  When you list with a Full Service Broker, you expect that you are turning the messy task of selling your home over to someone else.  Your job, once you have the house in tip top shape, is to simply disappear anytime anybody wants to see the home and to be patient.  Generally speaking Full Service Brokers charge a percentage based commission in the 5% – 8% range (although real estate sales commissions, whether percentage based or not, are fully negotiable between the broker and homeowner and no standard or even standard range exists).  That can get pretty pricy.  Think about it:  the owner of a $300,000 home with $100,000 in equity who agrees to pay a, say, 6% commission is paying $18,000: almost 20% of their equity!  And don’t get me started on the guy down the street in the smaller house worth $250,000 who will pay the same broker the same percentage but, in his case, it’s only $15,000!  Why is the first guy paying $3,000 more for the exact same service?? It makes no sense (it really doesn’t)!

Discounter: These brokers focus on the commission and cut it to levels Full Service Brokers cannot meet.  Using the above hypothetical examples, a Discounter might take the listing for say, 4%, a significant savings for the seller.  But here’s the thing about Discounters:  they use the same business model the Full Service Brokers have. They are on the same planet, in the same universe.  If they’re going to operate on that planet for less revenue, something else is going to have to give.   Think about it:  If you find a hammer at Ace Hardware for $4 and then spend the rest of the day shopping until you find a Discount Hardware Store who sells the same item for $3, you may have a bargain!  Or maybe you don’t.  You gave up something to get that dollar off the hammer.  You had to spend you time and money driving around to find the store and the hammer (their profit margins are so small they can’t afford to be visible or easy to find), you probably had nobody on the floor to help you, you may have had to dig through disorganized bins to find your hammer and you may have had to dig until you found one in good shape.  There are trade-offs for this kind of savings, and there are with the Discounter’s view of real estate too.  The quantity and quality of marketing the discounter does will probably be reduced, the amount of personal attention the seller receives will probably be less (after all this broker has to do big volume to compete and has less time), and let’s just hope there’s not much else going on when the offer comes in. You don’t want your Discount Broker watching the clock and counting the seconds and thinking about wrapping this negotiation up so he can get on to the next one!

Limited Service Broker: This is a term the Full Service and Discounter Brokers invented to diminish the value of Brokers who don’t represent anyone in a transaction.  The model is different this time.  Usually it involves a set fee, often paid up front and non-refundable.  The Broker then takes the property information and does very limited marketing, usually just putting the property into MLS or on a FSBO website.  There is no hand-holding, no showing, no open houses, no communication, no assistance with pricing and strategy. All they are providing is access to a few marketing tools you probably don’t have access to on your own.  The kicker is, if you pay an MLS only Limited Service Broker to put your house in the MLS, you’re also going to have to be prepared to pay the other broker who sees the listing in MLS and then comes in with a buyer!  Suddenly, that rock bottom front fee is not looking like quite the bargain you expected!  Some Limited Service Brokers do provide representation – which means they look out for your best interest and get involved in negotiations and make sure the deal goes as planned to closing – but it’s often at an additional fee.

Help-U-Sell is something else all together.  We operate on a different planet than the three guys above.

We recognize that technology has made marketing a properly priced home pretty easy, and pretty standard.  The idea that your agent needs to create a completely customized, personal marketing campaign for your individual home is actually a little absurd today unless you are in some astronomical price range or in a completely unique boutique type situation.  Marketing is:  pricing the home properly, starting a buzz locally through signs, flyers, postcards, MLS, past clients and so on, making the property easy to find online via various websites (the more the better), social media outlets, video, QR codes and so on, and then being sharp as a tack when an inquiry comes in to make sure that, if the prospect is right for the home, the’ll get to see it.  It’s not rocket science.  It takes a professional working every day in the real estate business to do it well, to manage it and keep it on track, but it doesn’t take a super-human or even a star.

We also recognize that the best thing we can do for all of our sellers is to generate leads – potential buyers who contact our office and with whom we develop a working relationship.  And that’s what our marketing is designed to do: generate leads, not just for your individual house but for all the houses we have in inventory.  Truth is:  the caller rarely buys or even wants to see the house that motivated the call.  Once they have the information they often discover that there is something missing or not matching their needs.  That’s where the developing relationship with the agent on the other end of the line comes in.  If we really know our business, if we really know our inventory, if we are really good at listening, we probably have something else in inventory that would be perfect for this buyer . . . and that’s how we market your home.  A great Help-U-Sell office is like a clearing house for buyers and sellers, or maybe more like a buyer/seller dating service!

We acknowledge that there are a number of activities ordinary brokers routinely take on that might be better handled by the seller, and if the seller is willing to take on these generally easy tasks, they can achieve significant savings.  If the seller is up for it, we will coach them on how to hold their own open houses.  We’ll show them how to walk through the home with a prospective buyer.  We’ll provide them tools to use in spreading the word to friends, neighbors and co-workers.  If they can find a buyer through this kind of easy participation, we can cut them an amazing deal on our fee.  After all:  they’ve produced the buyer!  And, oh by the way, not all of our sellers opt in to participating in this way, and that’s ok.  We can still save them big time over ordinary brokers.  The good news about seller participation is that it is a lead generator for us – and since lead generation and capture is how we get our listings sold, all of our sellers benefit when one of them holds an open house.  Let me be a little more clear.  One of the tasks most sellers are not comfortable doing is following up with buyers who come through their home.  That’s great:  we don’t ask them to do that.  We do it for them.  Their job is to collect contact information on everyone who comes to their open house (essentially, nobody comes in without signing in – that just makes sense).  They share that with us and we make the follow-up call.  Sometimes the buyer just needs a little clarification or next-step help to move forward on the property, but more times, they’ve eliminated the property because it didn’t quite match their needs. And so we have yet another lead that might be perfect for one of our other listings.

Because we design our offices and our marketing to be big lead generators -and because leads, properly handled, drive the sale of our listings – our agents have a much more manageable job description.  You see, the ordinary real estate Broker builds his business by adding agents, agent after agent.  The only way the ordinary Broker can get the large number of agents required to make his business viable is by offering prospective agents HUGE commission splits.  Because the ordinary Broker has fewer dollars to work with after paying those huge splits, he can’t afford to orchestrate and implement the kind of lead generating marketing program the Help-U-Sell broker can.  Instead, the ordinary Broker delegates this responsibility to his agents who generally just do their own thing . . . which is not to market or generate leads, but to advertise in hopes that their latest ad will show the anxious seller that they are really working.   In a Help-U-Sell office that is all handled by the Broker.  Our Brokers are in charge of and responsible for marketing, for creating all of those leads that turn into buyers and sales.  Our agents are there to take care of the buyer leads our marketing has created.  Period.  We don’t ask them to market or to build our business on the strength of their sphere of influence, to prospect for listings or call on FSBOS.  We ask them to take the leads we’ve generated for them and to take incredibly good care of them as they find their dream home.  Building and maintaining listing inventory is the broker’s job, converting buyer leads into sales is the agent’s job.  And it’s a wonderful, manageable job!  Compare that with the job description of an ordinary agent who is expected to do everything from soup to nuts, essentially running his or her own real estate company within the Broker’s company!  No wonder they burn out so quickly!

We recognize that a  buyer for a particular home might come from several sources and that the cost of acquiring a buyer varies from source to source . . . and we price our services based on which source produced the buyer.  Ordinary real estate is a one-size-fits-all world.  Usually, when you list with an ordinary broker, the high percentage based commission you are agreeing to pay is designed compensate four different entities:  the Listing Agent and Listing Office, the Selling Agent and Selling Office.  But in most cases you’re going to pay that same high percentage based commission even if there is no outside agent or company involved in securing the buyer.  In fact, you’re probably going to pay full fare even if YOU find the buyer.  With Help-U-Sell the fee is based on where we had to go to find the buyer.  If you find the buyer through an open house or talking it up at work, you pay just our low set fee – usually thousands less than you’d pay an ordinary broker.  If you want, we’ll ask the buyers agents in our Help-U-Sell office to go to work trying to drum up a good buyer for the house and if they are successful, we’ll have to pay them as well . . . but you’ll still save thousands over what you’d pay most ordinary brokers.  Finally, if we have to go into MLS to find a buyer (and we don’t always have to!), you’ll pay your Help-U-Sell low set fee and you’ll have to take care of that outside agent and broker -which will be relatively expensive.  You’ll still save, but just not quite as much.  And, if you elect to go full-bore on marketing your home, if you do elect to participate, if you ask our Help-U-Sell buyers agents to get involved and you do opt to go into the MLS . . . and then you find the buyer yourself . . . all you’re going to pay is the low set fee, saving you maximum dollars.

There are a lot of other differences between what we do and what the other guys do, whether they are Full Service, Limited Service or Discounters.  But most are technical twists on how we operate our offices.  By the way:  that is a key to how we’re able to charge less and still maker more: we operate our offices very differently from ordinary brokers.  We’ll save those twists for another discussion and leave this one where it is.  I think it’s clear that we are different.  We don’t fit any of the definitions that the industry has put on itself.  We are a different category because we approach the task of selling a home differently.  And one of the big differences is that we make sense.

Refresher Course

  1. You are a Set Fee Real Estate Company
  2. You market TO sellers
  3. You market FOR listings because listings create opportunities for Lead Generation (Sign, Ad, Directional, Arrounds, Open House, etc)
  4. Leads drive your business – there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ or ‘dead’ lead at Help-U-Sell
  5. You realize that the way leads are handled and managed in your office is key to your success.
  6. The one skill you practice almost constantly is:  handling buyer and seller inquiries, whether on the phone or from the Internet
  7. You keep hard copies of all your buyer leads in a Buyer Pool Book.  This is the first place you go when you have a new listing.  It also feeds the buyer agents you bring in to help you take care of the business (leads) you’ve created
  8. You recognize word-of-mouth advertising – whether via Facebook, Yelp, Zillow or the old fashioned way, person-t0-person – is the most powerful form of advertising there is
  9. You build this word-of-mouth advertising by doing an excellent job, saving people money, and staying in touch
  10. Your goal is to have your client base be so delighted with the service they receive (and the savings they achieve) that they become advocates for you in the field, a word-of-mouth recommending army
  11. You believe in systems and employ them to do large numbers of transactions with just a few people
  12. You are developing an asset (your company) and you have an exit strategy in mind, even if it is decades away
  13. And, Oh yes:  you are having a whole lot of fun, too!


And welcome to your life on Help-U-Sell!

Saving My Silver Bullets

  • On December 25, 2011, 6.8 million Android and iOS devices were activated.  If there was any doubt that your listing information needs to be optimized for mobile devices it should be gone by now.
  • The California Association of REALTORS unveiled a new feature on their mobile ZipForm app that allows signatures on an IPad.  Executed docs are automatically emailed to all parties as a PDF.  Cost:  $12.95 a year.  If there was any doubt that you need an Internet enabled tablet for your real estate business, it should be gone by now.
  • Sandicor, the San Diego MLS, has added a new field to their syndication feed that includes contact information on the Listing Agent.  The field is designed to be displayed prominently on 3rd party sites like Zillow and Trulia.  The move will make it easier for consumers to identify the source of the information.  Their plan is to pull the plug on any syndicator who refuses to display the new field.  They are also cutting down the number of photos they will syndicate out from the 25 they allow today.  Further, syndicated photos will carry a watermark identifying the listing agent and company.  If there was any doubt that the syndication issue is on the front burner, it should be gone by now.
  • Starting February 27, REALTOR University will start offering courses that lead to a Master of Real Estate Degree.  They’ve been approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education to award the degree.  This could be beneficial and meaningful.  I have a request in for more detail and will pass it on as I get it.
  • (ok:  this one is not real estate)  Photography has traditionally been an artistic expression on paper.  We printed photographs and when we looked at them, what we saw was reflected light coming off the paper through the ‘ink’ of the photo.  Today, photography is a digital process.  We’ve replaced the flim of the old camera with a CCD or CMOS sensosr that picks up the light coming through the lens and converts it to a digital file.  We edit and view our photos on a computer screen that does not reflect light, but rather emits it.  I think that’s a fundamental difference:  paper photos reflect light, digital photos (properly displayed on a monitor) emit light.  Yet last time I went the the San Diego Museum of Photographic Art, all I saw were paper photographs, matted and framed.  When will galleries and museums start displaying photographs in their true light-emitting format:  on digital monitors?
  • I hate to be so local, but I can’t help myself.  I’m so excited today.  As I drove to the gym this morning I counted 5 cranes in the sky above San Diego.  Six years ago there were 20.  Last year there were none.  Cranes = construction = optimism = improving confidence in our economic future and the real estate business in general.  Bravo!
  • The key to maximizing the revenue you generate in this improving market is INVENTORY.  Listings drive every aspect of your business.  It’s time to shift our attention back to Sellers, back to telling them that we are DIFFERENT, we are about SAVINGS and, of course:
    1. We Are Here
    2. People Use Us
    3. It Works, and
    4. They Save Money

Have a prosperous week-end!

Core Values

Up until about 2006 we had a very coherent statement of those things we hold most dear:  our Core Values.  Great care was taken in the creation of the list.  We didn’t want what usually passes for this kind of statement – a bland list of noble words that don’t really describe the company.  We wanted this list to be real.  And it was.  But then there was a changing of the guard in 2006 and the old set was scrapped and replace by somebody else’s idea of who they wanted to be . . . and the original list was abandoned.

I’ve been thinking about that original list lately and I’d like to revive it.  It truly describes who we are (not who we want to be, but who we really are right now).

1.  Integrity

  • We tell the truth.
  • We believe so deeply in our product that we don’t have to stoop to techniques and manipulation to be successful:  all we have to do is tell people what we have.
  • We provide a valuable service for a reasonable fee.
  • We make an honest living.  We don’t  ‘make a killing’ on every closing. We are paid fairly by the people we serve.
  • We believe in our program.
  • We realize we are different.  We have a unique offering for the consumer that is fundamentally better than what traditional brokers offer.
  • Our system works.  Period.
  • Our words, our actions and our beliefs are in sync.  We don’t say one thing but do something else.

2.  Information without obligation

  • We don’t hoard or hide information.
  • We answer questions honestly without technique or manipulation.
  • Our selling style is to educate; we empower our customers with information.

3. Consumer choices

  • One size does not fit all.
  • We allow the consumer to choose the services he or she would like to employ and then we charge them based on how the home actually sells.
  • Our focus is always on how we can better serve the consumer.

4. Seller participation

  • We believe in our customers’ ability to handle some aspects of the sale.
  • We partner with our sellers to market their property.  We HELP YOU sell your property.
  • We coach our sellers through the process.

5. Seller savings

  • Because we always have our customers’ best interest at heart, the more we can save them, the better.
  • We deliver high value service for a set fee considerably lower than the commissions charged by other offices.

6. Buyer/Seller contact

  • Because we believe in our service, we don’t have to justify our existence by getting between the parties.
  • We believe that most people are honest and principled.
  • Our job is to coach, educate and facilitate a successful transaction.

7. Unique management model

  • We believe that we can offer a high value service to consumers and make a healthy profit at the same time.
  • We organize our offices to serve the consumer, not the agent.
  • We believe it is our business; we hire people to help us do more of it and do it better.

8. Powerful marketing system

  • We are a marketing company.  We study our marketplace and our marketing to make sure we are maximizing results.
  • We have a marketing plan and we stick to it.
  • We measure results.
  • We actively market real estate

And here it is once again without the extra verbiage:

  • Integrity
  • Information without Obligation
  • Consumer Choices
  • Seller Participation
  • Seller Savings
  • Buyer/Seller Contact
  • Unique Management Model
  • Powerful Marketing System

This set of 8 Core Values is more than mere words on a page.  It is a living breathing entity, one we use every day to remind us who we are and to help in decision making.  Any time you are considering a change to your program or a new piece of marketing or a new way of doing anything, take out the list and weigh what you’re considering against it.  If it does not align with your 8 Core Values, then it’s probably something you shouldn’t do.  We are a principal centered organization and these are the principals on which we base our business.  Be proud of them. Display them.  Share them with your staff and give them a little time every day.





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