How Long Must I Wait to Buy After a Short Sale?

Homeowners are breathing a little easier today.  Point your ear out your front door and listen: you may hear a sigh of relief!  Prices are rising – like crazy in some places – and fewer homeowners are upside down on their mortgages.  Today’s real estate market is no longer about ‘how much am I losing?’ but rather about ‘how much equity am I building?’  Almost anyone who bought a home in the past year is probably grinning from ear to ear!

But what about those who didn’t make it through the downturn?  What about those who lost their equity, found themselves upside down and, suddenly, needing to sell?  They pretty much had four options:

  • Move and let the  home go to Foreclosure
  • Negotiate a Short Sale with the lender
  • Forget about selling and rent the house
  • Sell and write a check at closing to the lender for the shortfall

Thankfully, not too many people opted for that last option – though it did happen in situations where the shortfall was small and the need to sell great.  And those who successfully rented their property are probably enjoying a nice increase in value now.  People who chose Short Sale or went to Foreclosure, however, have the same question:  how long before I can buy again?

First, understand that the answer is a moving target:  it has shifted over time and probably will continue to shift.  There are also no hard and fast answers as different lenders have different policies and some lenders will bend a bit if interest rates and discount points are high enough.  However, today, the following is typical:

To get a Conventional Loan after a Short Sale:

  • Two-year wait with a 20 percent down payment
  • Four-year wait with a 10 percent down payment
  • Seven-year wait with less than 10 percent down payment
  • Conventional lenders usually look for a FICO score in the 680 range after a Short Sale

To get an FHA Loan after a Short Sale:

  • Three-year waiting period from the Short Sale closing date
  • Home buyers can get a mortgage with as little as 3.5 percent down

Eligible Veterans can get a VA Loan after a Short Sale:

  • Two -year wait from the Short Sale closing date
  • Can still get in with no money down

There is one snafu that seems to be occurring regularly as former Short Sale-rs apply for new mortgages.  Sometimes the Short Sale lender reports the sale incorrectly to the credit bureaus as a Foreclosure.  This can be a big problem as most borrowers with a Foreclosure on their credit reports must wait seven years before becoming eligible for Conventional Mortgages.

If your last sale was a Short Sale, it is important to keep all of your paperwork from that transaction handy in case you have to prove that it wasn’t a Foreclosure.  It’s also not a bad idea to access your credit report before you begin the buying process to see how the Short Sale was reported.

August 19 Update:  FHA just announced new guidelines that will enable some borrowers with a short sale on their credit history to get back into the market in as little as 12 months.  The new rule requires documentation of an economic event precipitating the short sale – something like loss of a job – and demonstration of significant recovery from the event, i.e. 12 months of clean credit history.   Those with a foreclosure (instead of a short sale) must wait 3 years before obtaining and FHA insured mortgage.  

Flashback Friday: Equity In The Name

(This is from early 2010, though I changed a date reference in the 5th paragraph because, hey!  What was true then is just as true today!  Consumers seek us out because our offer is superior, because they will get great service and save thousands.  They stick with us because we are good people and we get the job done.  In the ordinary real estate world, where everybody pretty much has the same consumer offer, the only differentiator is personality:  who is most likable and magnetic.  That’s fine, but if you build a business on that you don’t have much to sell when it’s time to move on.) 

New Help-U-Sell brokers sometimes stew way too much about their DBA.  They want to come up with the perfect name, the one that expresses who they are;  the one that will kick their marketing effectiveness up another notch.  Is Help-U-Sell Superior Homes better than Help-U-Sell Apex Properties?

Truth is:  the consumer could not care less.

And that’s one of the fundamental strengths of the Help-U-Sell system.  Think about it:

An ordinary broker, running an ordinary agent-oriented office, is building . . . very little, really.  His business is driven by the personalities of his agents and the relationships they develop.  There is no unique consumer offering that draws people to the company.

In 2013, very few people call ABC Realty and say, ‘Hey, ABC, come list my house.’  No.  They call up Sally who happens to work at ABC and say, ‘Hey, Sally, come list my house.’  And you know what?  When Sally goes down the street to go to work for XYZ, they’ll call her there too.

So when that ordinary broker decides it’s time to cash in and move on, when he attempts to employ his Exit Strategy, he finds he has little to sell.  The value of his company is a gamble at best.  All a buyer gets is the chance to keep the agents who have done the business and the chance to keep the listings and clientele they have amassed.  And it’s a fair bet that at least some of those agents will not like the change and take the opportunity to move on down the line.

It’s so different at Help-U-Sell.   We have a business model and a consumer offering that people seek out.  Every day, people call Help-U-Sell and say, ‘Come list my house.’   When the Help-U-Sell broker decides it’s time to move on, he has a business to sell that can continue to function after he is gone.  The buyer is getting an established enterprise and the transition from one owner to the other will likely be invisible to the consumer.  The DBA becomes irrelevant:  it’s Help-U-Sell that matters.

But, ‘Oh!’ you say, ‘Real Estate has always been a business built on personal relationships!  People want to work with . . . people, not systems!’

That’s absolutely true.  But most people are also interested in saving money and they will often investigate their alternatives before even working with a pal.  That’s when they discover that we’re people too! Yup, underneath the neat system that gets results and saves money is a group of really good, competent, likable people.

That’s why so many of our established brokers enjoy great repeat and referral business.  Oh, the savings remains a driving factor, but it’s the personal relationship that turns satisfied customers into raving fans and keeps them coming back again and again.

I’m not seriously suggesting this, but I really don’t think it would make one whit of difference if you chose ‘Umm’ as your DBA:  Help-U-Sell Umm Realty.  Or maybe Help-U-Sell Acme, Ace or ABBA.  What matters is that first part, the part that consumers recognize as leading to savings.

How Help-U-Sell Works, Plain & Simple

Real estate sales commissions are high because they are designed to compensate four people: the listing agent, the listing agent’s broker – the selling agent (the one who brings in the buyer) and the selling agent’s broker.

Most real estate commissions are a percentage  of the sales price that you pay whether outside brokers and agents are involved or not. Because they are a percentage, the more expensive your home, the more you will pay.

At Help-U-Sell, we ‘un-bundle’ commissions and services. Our home sellers may choose to offer their property for sale through outside brokers and agents – or not. They may choose to go into the local MLS – or not.

Regardless which services the home sellers selects at the time of listing, however, the final fee is based on how the home actually sells. If there is no outside office or agent involved in the transaction, all the seller pays is the Help-U-Sell Set Fee.

That’s another difference: instead of a percentage based commission, our sellers pay a low Set Fee to market their homes through Help-U-Sell. And while there are minor variations based on specific market niches, generally the seller with the $400,000 home who lists with Help-U-Sell will pay the same Set Fee as the seller with the $350,000 home.

We are a full service real estate company. We do what ordinary brokers do and more, including:

  • Consulting with you on pre-sale preparation and pricing
  • Calculating your estimated net proceeds
  • Marketing you home using the most up-to-date and effective methods
  • Helping you evaluate every offer that is received
  • Looking out for your best interest through the transaction
  • Communicating what’s going on every step of the way
  • Handling problems as they arise
  • Coordinating inspections and transaction deadlines
  • Reviewing closing documents with you

Plus – we will save you thousands over what you’d pay most ordinary real estate brokers!

Flashback Friday: Who We Are . . .

(From November, 2009)

The Help-U-Sell® Brand stands for something.  It represents the ability of the average consumer to receive expert assistance in a real estate transaction while saving significantly over what they’d spend with an ordinary REALTOR®.  It proudly represents a new approach to the real estate business, a better model, a new deal.  This reputation for exceptional customer service, coupled with savings has enabled us to build Brand awareness nationwide.

The Help-U-Sell Vision Statement expresses how we see ourselves in the competitive environment in which we operate:

We are the premier provider of professional licensed real estate services, empowering consumers with access to information and choice, while offering a set-fee for service.


Great care was taken in crafting the Vision Statement to truly express who we are.  The language is very precise:

Premier Provider – We are an elite corps, the cream of the crop. We are neither discounters nor a limited service option.

Professional, Licensed Real Estate Services – We are fully licensed in our respective states and aspire to the highest levels of professionalism in the industry.

Empowering Consumers – We give our Buyers and Sellers the information and tools they need to effectively navigate the complex world of real estate sales.

Access to Information – We don’t ‘hoard’ information or hold it hostage.  We freely give our buyers and sellers as much information as they need to make an informed decision.

Choice – We present our clients options, help them evaluate them and then tailor a solution to fit their particular need.  We do not embrace one-size-fits- all solutions.

Set Fee for Service – We price our services logically and fairly.  Our pricing makes sense to the consumer and we tailor our pricing to fit the services they use.

The five Help-U-Sell® Core Beliefs are the backbone of our identity.  They guide the way we relate to our customers and clients, our fellow brokers and each other.

We Believe In

  • Integrity:  We conduct our business with honesty and transparency, and share information without condition. 
  • Consumer Choices and Empowerment:  We present options and help our clients evaluate them, enabling them to make informed decisions.
  • Consumer Savings:  We strive to ensure that every consumer choice results in savings.
  • Broker Control and Profit: In our office, the broker is the business. The broker generates the leads, develops client relationships, and ensures successful transactions.
  • Systems Orientation: We create and implement systems for accomplishing recurring tasks.

Never forget you are different.  Though you assist the same customers as ordinary REALTORS, yours is an entirely different business model. Is Launched

Ok, Help-U-Sell Brokers:  I promised a blogging solutions for you.  Here are the details

First:  YOU NEED ONE!  Why?  Go back two blog posts and read the facts.

Here’s what I’ll do:

Get you set up:

Help you secure a domain name (like, set-up hosting, install WordPress, install and customize your blogging template, customize your graphics, and install a dozen plugins that will make your blog easier to manage and more attractive to search engines.

Teach you about your blog:

Show you how to post, respond to comments, check your stats and so on.

Write content for you blog:

At least four posts per month, all localized as much as possible and posted in your name.

Review blog performance with you:

Check stats regularly with an eye towards popular posts, frequently used search terms, ways to drive more traffic an so on.

Visit to see a full program description and a sample blog.  The sample uses the basic template and set-up I’ll be using.  Sharp, huh?

If you’re already blogging and just want a little help, let’s talk.  I’m sure there’s a way we can work together.

By the way:  if you’re an ordinary Broker, I’m sorry:  I’ve got nothing for you.  I could only create content for extraordinary brokers, ones focused on the consumer, the consumer experience and doing much more with less.

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